Chapter Twenty-Five

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Margot Mitchell
North Island

    Back home, two months later, Margot still felt on cloud nine from getting engaged. They'd had a small engagement party with friends, most of which teased her about marrying Jake, and if she was sure. There was nothing she was more sure of on this planet than marrying him. They had set a date, they were getting married in six months after their engagement on April 12th. Neither of them were particularly interested in a long engagement. She was ready to be his wife and knew they could get it planned by then. She had already started working on it.

    Margot was on quick break, had stopped to grab a coffee with her brother on base. There was a small coffee shop they had met up at. He was still an instructor and it was going well too. She looked over at her him, cupping her coffee. She noticed he kept staring at her engagement ring. "Getting an idea?" Margot teased with a grin. She took it off while flying, but she wasn't in the air that particular day.

    Rooster rolled his eyes. "No. We're not ready. Things are going good, but we're good taking things slow. Not everyone is racing to the alter or having kids." He answered.

    "Hey, I didn't race to the alter. We were together a year before he proposed." Margot replied, "And it'll be a few more years before a bébé Seresin joins us. Though I think I'll be absolutely adorable pregnant." She and Jake wanted a family, but planned to wait a few years. They were twenty-five and twenty-seven, they had plenty of time.

    Rooster sighed. "I don't want to think about you being a mom yet, I am still processing you getting married." He told her. Margot could imagine that probably was strange to process as an older brother. He took a sip of his coffee. "I keep trying with your dad. He seems to want to avoid the Jake topic at all costs."

    "Yeah but you'll be a really fucking cool uncle when it happens." Margot pointed out. She shook her head. "No, but I appreciate it. And at least you two are better. I talk to him at work, but only about work. He knows, he saw my ring the first time we ran into each other after. But he talked about work, nothing personal. Penny thinks he's ashamed and won't admit it. I wish he would. I want him involved."

    Rooster looked a little intrigued about being an uncle, as if the thought hadn't crossed his mind. It quickly turned into a frown. "Sorry. If I could fix it, I would. Mom would set him straight if she were here." He told her.

    Margot nodded, sipping her coffee. "Damn straight she would. And God, I've really missed her lately. She should be here for my wedding. And yours, if you ever pop the question. Grandchildren if we have them." She sighed. "It's shit like this that hits me, even eleven years later. All the stuff she isn't here for. And my dad is and is too damn stubborn to come around."

    "I know. I think about it too." Rooster agreed.

    "Bradley.....I don't know if he'll come around or not." Margot said, "Will you walk me down the aisle? Like I know I don't have to have someone do it but it would mean a lot-"

    Rooster cut off her rambling, putting his hand over hers. "Of course I will. I'd be honored to." He told her, and Margot smiled a little. "Even if you're marrying Jake Seresin." He added with an eye roll.

    "Yes, yes, she's marrying me. Move on." Jake announced, appearing beside them with his smart ass grin. He bent down and kissed Margot. He picked up her coffee and took a sip. "Black? Did someone abduct my fiancée?" He asked her. "It's peppermint season, your favorite."

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