Chapter Forty-Seven

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Margot Seresin
**Double//Second Update Today**

"You think it's okay to wear?" Margot asked Isla. They were finishing shopping, they both had Valentine's dates that night with their husbands. Margot had bought a dress that was a little risqué for being pregnant, and she was starting to have second thoughts.

Isla looked over at her as they walked out of the store, bags in hand. "You're pregnant, not a nun." She told her. "It looked sexy. And anyone who thinks otherwise, can go fuck themselves." She turned her chin up as if she had just preached the Bible. Though, it may as well be. Isla hated body shaming and firmly believed in wear what you like. 

"I know. I just feel like at thirty two weeks pregnant I should just be in sweatpants on Valentine's Day." Margot replied, "I did like it. I guess that's what I am worried about. It's pretty busty."

"That never bothered you before." Isla pointed out, glancing over.

"Because I didn't have all this going on." Margot said, waving her hand over her baby bump. It had really started to grow the last few weeks. She'd finally started gaining weight and was more on track to end her pregnancy at twenty gained total if it kept up. She was healthy so she'd tried not to worry that it took her longer or that she may be below what was considered "typical". She knew everyone was different. Her and Isla had talked about it plenty, and both knew if things were healthy, not to stress over not being identical to other people.

"I've gained ten more pounds since Christmas. And you can bet that I am squeezing my chubby ass into that cute dress I got today for a night out with my husband. Own it." Isla said, "If you're comfortable. You did love it in the store."

"Your dress you picked out was really fantastic." Margot told her. Isla looked great, since her baby bump had formed, it was very obvious that she was pregnant. Her bump was a little bigger than Margot's had been at twenty-three weeks, but their pregnancies just carried differently. "You're right, I did love the dress." She agreed.

"I know you're confident. You're almost as cocky as your husband sometimes," Isla said, "Have fun and enjoy the dress. Trust me, I totally get questioning some since we don't look exactly the same right now. But for me, I've accepted that despite my best efforts, I am gaining more weight this pregnancy. I am healthy and so is my daughter, so I'll deal with it after. My mom put on a lot with the three of us and you've seen her. She bounced back." She said, "And you can dress how you want. We're not obligated to go around in potato sacks just because we're pregnant. Dress for what works."

Where Margot had struggled with gaining, Isla had the opposite. She ate normally and exercised, but was still putting it on. She'd tapered at the start of her second trimester, but it had picked back up. Her blood work was good, so her doctor wasn't worried. Both Isla and her daughter were doing well. Margot had found out after Jake they were having a girl, which had initially pissed her off. He was smug about knowing something she hadn't.

After going their separate ways, Margot went home. She barricaded herself in the bathroom to get ready. She wanted a perfect date. They had roughly eight weeks before Luke arrived, and she knew their alone time together was precious. She also wanted to look good for not only Jake, but herself.

Margot spent time on her hair, deciding to go with waves. Her hair at the moment was past her collarbone, though she was considering going short again after giving birth. She really liked her bob haircut she had after she got married. For makeup, she decided to go with a smokey eye and nude lipstick. Jake tried to come in the bathroom once, and she sent him to the guest one to shower. She heard him make a smart ass remark, but he went.

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