Bonus Chapter #1

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Margot Seresin

    "I can't believe you're officially retired. This feels foreign." Margot told her dad. She hadn't quite believed it when he said almost seven months ago that he was going to retire at the air show. Penny had thrown him a retirement celebration at The Hard Deck. He had officially retired as of this last week. "Are you sure you went voluntarily? They sometimes force people to retire when they don't advance in rank." She teased.

    Maverick raised an eyebrow. "It was voluntary." He told her. "They'd never shove me out." He grinned. "What I can't believe is you're having another baby." He eyed her six month baby bump showing in her dress.

    "You can tell me if they shoved your captain ass out the door. I won't tell anyone." Margot joked. "And believe me, we can't either."

    "Did your mom not talk to you about safe sex?" Maverick asked, and Margot felt her face heating.

    Jake noticed. He was unsuccessfully trying not to look amused. He was holding eleven month old Luke on his hip.

    "Dad." Margot replied, "Obviously she did."

    "And this one," Maverick nodded to Jake. "A very successful naval aviator studying to be a lawyer and apparently doesn't know how to use a condom-"

    "Dad!" Margot exclaimed. "We get it. Stop. I've literally never been so embarrassed in my entire life. Please drop it." She glanced at Jake. "And wipe that smirk off your face, this involves you too."

    "It does, but I am not embarrassed." Jake answered, shrugging. "I just find it funny that you are."

    "Joking aside, I did want to talk to you about something regarding the baby." Maverick began. "Penny and I are sailing for a month after this weekend. We'll be back of course before you have her." He said, "We want to help you guys out when she's born. In anyway that we can. Whether it be some at night, or the weekend, whatever you need. I know it's going to be hard with two of them under one, and his school."

    "Mav, we appreciate it, but you're supposed to enjoy grandkids, not raise them." Jake told him. "And obviously we chose this knowing it'll be difficult at times."

    Maverick shook his head. "I'm not saying raise them, but help support you two. I know you think you're invincible, but it's going to get you at some point doing parenting, school and the Navy." He said, "We want to help. I especially do. I can't make up for not being there all the time while you grew up, but I want to be there for you now." He was looking at Margot.

    Margot felt touched by the sentiment. "I don't even know what to say."
    "Say yes. At least let us know when you need help." Maverick answered.

    "Yes!" Luke announced, causing all three of them to smile.

    Margot exchanged a look with Jake, then turned back to her dad. "Okay. Only when we need it. You're not going to be live in nannies. But say I get caught at work, and he has class or something.....okay."

    "Or even just a night off. You're allowed that." Maverick said.

    "Seems pretty boring to go from flying fighter jets to sailing and babies." Jake commented.

    "Oh, I'll still be flying. Just slower." Maverick grinned. Margot knew he meant his personal plane. "And who else is going to teach the two of them about aviation?"

    "They're pilot parents?" Margot suggested.

    "Way more experience here." Maverick said, "And it's not boring. Quieter, but I'm looking forward to family time I've missed out on."

    Margot reached forward and hugged her dad. "I love you, dad."

    "I love you too, squirt." Maverick replied, pulling back.

    "Thank you." Jake told Maverick. "Knowing how stubborn your daughter is, you'll be a last resort call."

    Margot shrugged, not denying it. She didn't like accepting help, especially with something that was her responsibility. She knew people had help from family though when it came to kids. There wasn't anything wrong with it. And if her dad hadn't been fully present in her life growing up, she would love for him to be able to do it with their kids. Plus, he was right, he would be the best damn teacher for aviation and life. He'd seen and done a lot of things.

    "Luke and Summer are lucky to have you." Margot said to her dad.

    Maverick cracked a smile. "Summer Seresin? Your mom would have gotten a kick out of that."

    "I thought so too." Margot agreed. "I think she'd also get a huge kick out of you being a grandpa."

    "I'm gonna rescind our help offer." Maverick joked, reaching to take Luke from Jake.

    "Mommy needs to respect her elders." Jake said to Luke, passing him over.

    "Judging from the major go to hell look my dad just gave you, daddy needs to respect the youthful grandparent." Margot joked with a wink at her dad.

    "Damn straight. Come on Luke, you've got a bunch of people waiting to meet you. You're practically Navy royalty thanks to me." Maverick was saying as he walked off.

    Jake slipped his arm around Margot's waist. "How'd you feel about that?"

    "Happy. At peace. I love him as a pilot but I am happy to have him just be my dad." Margot answered. "And he'll still be flying. I bet he buys another plane eventually. He's still himself, but with a different focus now." She leaned into Jake. "Seriously though, after this baby, condoms are back."

    Jake snorted. "Yeah I wasn't going to mention we didn't use them to your dad."

    Margot had pretty much relied on her birth control since they'd gotten married but apparently that wasn't enough. Not with their mishaps. She was good at taking it perfectly, but she wasn't risking it again. "Thank you for that. It was mortifying enough. Please don't embarrass the shit out of our daughter like that."

    Jake laughed and kissed the top of her head.

This was just meant to be a sweet moment with Mav. Each bonus is just something sorta fun for you guys as a thanks for reading. <3

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