Chapter Forty

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Jake Seresin

Jake knew they needed to get ready for work, but he wasn't one to turn down morning sex. Especially because that felt like that was all Margot wanted to do. Since her morning sickness had subsided finally for the most part, her sex drive was through the roof. Jake made sure to thank whatever gods made that happen. They had a pretty active sex life to begin with, but pregnant Margot was on an entirely different level. Not that Jake had any complaints, he fucking loved it.

The only people who knew about the pregnancy outside of their supervisor were Rooster and Isla. They had wanted to wait until after week twelve to say anything, and make sure everything was okay. That was the recommended time to wait to start telling people, the doctor had explained typically the pregnancy was in the clear by that point. Isla and Rooster were only told because of Isla covering.

    Looking at Margot, you couldn't tell still. She didn't have a bump yet, but would probably anytime now. She'd commented she went up one cup size in her bra, and Jake noticed, but he doubted anyone else would. She already had bigger breasts, so it wasn't as noticeable. He only did because he was her husband. And she made the comment her D bras didn't fit anymore. Then slapped him when he said "Maybe you should wear your little Playboy outfit again with your new Double D's."

    He deserved that one, but he thought it was funny. He knew what the Halloween costume had been, but it was definitely a fucking Playboy bunny.

"As great as this is, we can't be late." Jake commented. Margot had her uniform on, but the front unbuttoned, exposing her bra. She was on top of him on the bed. They'd gotten dressed after sex, and she was on him again. 

"We can be quick." Margot replied, kissing him. "You're not going to want to fuck me in a few months, we need to get it out of our systems."

Jake pulled back. "That's bullshit." He told her, and he meant it. "And get it out of our systems? That's what every man wants to hear."

Margot frowned. "Sorry. You know what I meant. We may not want to later on. I might not want to."

"And if you don't, that's okay. I'll survive." Jake said, "When do you want to tell people? And by people I mainly mean your dad." He asked her.

Margot sat back, straddling his hips as she buttoned her uniform top. "Uh.....maybe when the baby is born." She answered. "Ugh. Fuck." She mumbled. Her top was a little tight. She looked back at Jake. "I feel embarrassed to tell him."

Jake started laughing and his wife was glaring at him. "I'm sorry, but you're embarrassed?" He asked. "You're a twenty-seven year old married woman." He reminded her.

"I know, I know. But a part of my brain doesn't recognize that. It feels like I am sixteen going to tell him I did the deed and got the seed." Margot answered, and Jake laughed even harder. "You're so fucking immature."

"I'm immature? You're the one afraid to tell your dad that you're pregnant." Jake pointed out.

"Because he knows what I did to get like this!" Margot exclaimed, and Jake couldn't help it. He was pretty much dying of laugher. "You know what, fuck you." She moved off him.

"That's what got you in this predicament." Jake reminded her, and Margot threw a pillow at his face. He watched her go into the bathroom to finish getting ready. He still felt amused as he got up. He straightened out his shirt and headed downstairs. He found Rooster in the kitchen, fixing coffee.

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