Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jake Seresin

   "And that's a kill. You're out, Boner." Jake announced over the radio. Yeah that was some poor idiot's callsign. Jake turned twenty-eight at the end of March, and yet, the immature part of Jake wanted to laugh every time he had to say it. It was pretty fucking obvious how the guy got the callsign too, there wasn't much explanation needed. He almost felt sorry for him, stuck with that for his career.

Jake was glad almost daily he had chosen to do the instructor route for a while. It was a fucking blast, and he knew he was good at it. He and Rooster had gotten some award at the banquet last year on their achievement. He refocused on the other student he still had in the air on dog fighting and attacked. Viper did his best to out run Jake, but he got him in the end. Jake was grinning by the time he landed his fighter jet, and found Rooster shaking his head.

"How are they going to learn if they can't even take you out?" Rooster questioned.

"Are you suggesting I let them win? Not my fault they can't keep up. And doesn't do them any good to be given the easy route." Jake asked, raising his eyebrows. "How's your arm feeling by the way?" He asked, grinning. Rooster had lost a bet at Jake's bachelor party the weekend before, and now had a stick man tattoo of the game hangman on his inner bicep.

"It's fine. My girlfriend is still pissed about it." Rooster answered.

"Maybe she's pissed because you haven't asked her to move in together and you've been dating a year and a half." Jake suggested. "I don't know what the fuck you're waiting on."

Rooster ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I haven't figured out the right way to ask." He replied, "I don't want to fuck anything up. It's been good."

"It's not that difficult. I just asked Margot and one week later, she was well acquainted with every inch of our apartment." Jake replied with a grin. "Though she already was, but ours sounds nicer."

"My sister." Rooster reminded him. "But I know. I just don't know what her expectations are. Your wedding has had her having wedding fever."

"I can't help you there. That shit gets women. At least it's not baby fever. Though you're thirty now, so perhaps you should start working on preserving your bloodline." Jake joked and Rooster gave him the finger as they walked back into the hangar. Rooster dismissed the class, and they began filing out as Margot walked inside. She had changed out of her uniform and was in civilian clothes. Jake saw Boner watching her. Specifically her breasts bouncing as she walked and Jake rolled his eyes.

"Johnson, let's not have a repeat in here of how you got your callsign from watching my fiancée." Jake told him, causing his face to flush a deep scarlet. Jake was pretty sure he was maybe twenty three or so, pretty fresh out of the academy. Shy kid, but a decent pilot in the making. He was good enough to get in here.

"What's his callsign?" Margot asked, as he hurried out of the hangar.

"Boner." Jake answered and she pushed Jake. "I'm dead serious. Ask your brother."

"He's serious. It's unfortunate." Rooster confirmed. "Though you didn't have to embarrass him." He added, giving Jake a look. Clearly Rooster hadn't approved. 

Jake just shrugged. He never claimed to be a saint. "Roo boo is going to take you home, I've got an errand to run." He told her. "Shouldn't take long."

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