Chapter Seven

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Margot Mitchell

    Sunday morning when Margot left Jake's, she had headed home with a stupid smile on her face she couldn't wipe off. She had at least let Isla know she was staying over there, so she wouldn't be up worrying all night about her whereabouts. The girls looked out for each other and always had. She'd had breakfast with him, that he made, before making her way back to her house. She had things to do before starting the week again, though she'd have loved to have spent more time with Jake. He did ask if he could see her again, and she said yes. She wanted to be cautious, not rush, but she felt a tingling in her chest at the idea of going out again. Sure, she'd see him in class, but it wasn't the same.

    Stopping at a local coffee shop, Margot froze when she saw Rooster in there. He looked like he had been on a run, the coffee shop was on the beach. She was in the clothes she wore on the date yesterday, but Rooster didn't know that. Plus, she hadn't slept in them. She had borrowed something of Jake's when it got late enough that he invited her to stay over. He didn't push sex either, but there'd been plenty of making out. Something about that was almost more thrilling in the beginning. She debated for a moment then waved at her brother.

    Rooster looked like he didn't quite know how to respond, but waved back. Margot didn't blame him, she hadn't exactly been sending out welcoming signals the last two weeks. She couldn't help but notice how much he looked like his dad. She hadn't seen him with a mustache until she got to Top Gun, apparently he'd decide to grow that in the last two years. He looked older, but she knew she did too. She was surprised girls weren't throwing themselves at him, he had definitely grown out of his awkward phase in his teen years.

    Margot pointed to a table and he nodded. She sat down with her vanilla chai and her brother joined her. She knew without even asking he had a black coffee. "I still question if you have a soul for drinking only black coffee," She told him. She twisted her cup around in her hands. "I don't want to put you on the spot, but I'm open if you want" She said, slowly. She looked over at him, and could see some surprise in his eyes.

    "You're the one who is going to end up in a sugar coma from the shit you drink." Rooster replied, and Margot shrugged. He blew out a breath. "Definitely on the spot." He agreed. "But I've had plenty of time to think about this." He took a drink from his coffee cup. "Margot, there's nothing I can say that will ever make the shit I said to you okay." He drummed his fingers on the side of his cup. "I was drunk, angry and not myself. I spent so long pissed at Maverick, and took it out on you. It's not your fault he pulled my papers, or that you got to go to the academy. Hell, you had to sneak your application."

    "It wasn't really sneaking if he was never around to find out." Margot pointed out. She was quiet for a moment. "Do you really resent my existence?" She asked her brother.

    "God, no. And it's killed me not talking the last two years." Rooster answered. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. "I don't know what mom and Mav were thinking with trying to date, or whatever, but it's not my business. I think my dad would have wanted them to be happy. And even if it didn't work, we all got you from it. And the world is a better place with you in it." He paused. "I've never thought that. It came out in anger and I think I wanted to try to hurt you like Mav had hurt me. But you're not him. Yeah, I see him in you with what a hellion you are in a plane, but that's it. You're so much like mom that it's hard sometimes."

    "I've missed you too." Margot told him, quietly. "I think at some point I stopped being mad and was just being stubborn. It still hurts a little, but being around you the last two weeks has softened some of it. Because it's become apparent how much I've needed you."

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