Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Margot Seresin

Margot felt Jake's arm across her in the bed. She moved and was hit with a wave of nausea. She tried to sit up, but was worried she'd hurl her guts up if she did. Jake stirred from her movement, and glanced over at her. It was the morning of Rooster and Isla's wedding. They had gotten in bed late after the rehearsal dinner last night.

"You know I think you're gorgeous every day but......are you sick? You look clammy." Jake asked, concern in his voice. He reached over and gently touched her forehead. "You're drenched in sweat."

"I didn't feel good after the rehearsal dinner last night. Maybe it was the food." Margot answered. She jumped up and ran into the bathroom. She threw up into the toilet immediately, feeling surprised she even made it there. She heard Jake coming in after her.

"Go away, I don't want you to see this." Margot told him. "It's literally the biggest turn off in the entire world." She sighed, trying to sit still to see if she was finished.

"In sickness and in health, remember?" Jake reminded her. He got a wash cloth, and soaked in it water. He bent down, handing it over to her. "What did you eat?" He asked.

"I had the chicken," Margot answered. "Please tell me you didn't-"

Jake shook his head. "No, I had the fish." He told her. They'd had opposite dishes, so Margot was relieved he wasn't likely to be sick too. "Maybe it was bad. What time do you have to be at the venue?"

Margot glanced at the clock. "In thirty minutes." She mumbled, before vomiting again. "Fuck." She pressed the wet cloth to her forehead. "Do we have anything for nausea?"

"I don't think so, hang on." Jake answered. He stood up, and went to check their medicine cabinet. He came back, shaking his head. "Nope. I can run and get you something though? What do you need?" He tilted his head. "I know it's your brother's wedding but babe, if you're sick, you can pull out."

"That's what she said." Margot replied, and Jake didn't look amused for once. "Let's just stop on the way. I'll be fine. I'm not missing this." It was her best friend and her brother's wedding. She moved to stand up, and ended up vomiting one more time. When she looked at Jake, he was frowning. "I'm fine. It'll pass once I purge whatever the fuck it was." She was relieved she threw up though. She had noticed yesterday she hadn't felt well.

Margot stood up finally, and went to brush her teeth. She noticed Jake watching her carefully, as if he expected her to break. She turned to face him after she rinsed her mouth. "Jake, please stop worrying. I'll be okay. I'm not missing the wedding over food poisoning." She told him.

Jake didn't look convinced that she should be going, but still drove her to the venue. They stopped on the way for medicine. Margot insisted she go inside, stating that sitting around wasn't going to help either. Reluctantly, he'd let her go and she came back out with what she needed. "I already feel better. Kind of like when you've drank too much and need to get it out." She said. 

"You didn't drink anything last night." Jake pointed out, as they pulled up. It was a winery that had a wedding venue. "You're sure you're okay? It's going to be a long day."

"I know, I was just using it as an analogy." Margot explained. She hadn't felt good prior to dinner so she opted out of any wine. "I promise. And if not, then I'll leave. Or maybe not stay the entire time."

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