Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Margot Seresin

    Margot laughed as Jake spin her around on the dance floor at the reception. Dinner and speeches had wrapped up and the party had really begun. They'd had their first dance together, and she shared one with her dad. Penny had done the traditional dance with Jake that his mom would have filled. You know, if she wasn't an evil bitch. It had been a fantastic day, one she wasn't ever going to forget. Especially her dad showing up. She still couldn't believe it. They had things to talk about, but not tonight. Tonight was about having fun and starting new.

    "You're looking particularly short right now," Jake commented when she faced him again. He had a grin on his face, Margot noticed he had rarely stopped smiling since the ceremony.

    "I switched shoes. You get to enjoy all 5'3 of me for the party." Margot told him. She stopped dancing and lifted the bottom of her dress, revealing a pair of cute sparkly white sneakers.

    Jake laughed. "Have I mentioned how adorable my wife is?" He asked and Margot smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

    "You can keep saying it." Margot replied, leaning up to kiss him. They had glow necklaces and bracelets that had been handed out, and she moved his necklace to his head like a headband. "I want more champagne,"

    "As you wish." Jake told her.

    "Did you just Princess Bride me?" Margot questioned and he winked as he went to get her another glass. She stepped off the dance floor and found Isla. She had also ditched her heels, but was barefoot.

    "How's it feel to be a wife?" Isla asked, taking a bite of cake. They had cut it a little earlier and it was fucking fantastic.

    "The same? But with another ring?" Margot answered, looking at her left hand. She had moved her engagement ring back over with her new wedding band. "Good but kind of weird to process. But in a good way. If that makes sense. I am babbling." She shook her head.

    Margot took her glass when Jake returned, passing it to her. He had taken his tux jacket off earlier. "Thank you husband." She told Jake.

    "Ugh, gag. You two are annoyingly cute." Isla responded.

"You complain about it like a single person, and you're not single." Margot pointed out, and Isla waved her off.

    "I guess this means our pact is off," Ryder commented as he walked over.

    "Sorry, Ry. You'll survive, I believe in you." Margot said to him. "And come on, it was never that serious."

Ryder shrugged. "No, it wasn't." He agreed. "And I'm fucking with you." He added with a grin. "Congrats. And you're welcome for an awesome ceremony."

"It was alright." Jake said, "I'd give you a 5/10 on your business page."

Margot rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Ignore him. He just likes to hear himself talk."

"That's the fucking truth." Rooster stated as he walked up. He had a fresh drink in one hand, and slipped his other arm around Isla. "An annulment is still an option," He said to Margot. "I'll take you."

Anyone But Him // Jake SeresinWhere stories live. Discover now