Chapter Thirty-Six

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Margot Seresin

    "I think you need four teams to complete the mission." Margot explained, standing in front of a room of her superiors. "Two fox trot teams and two singles." She used a laser pointer on the screen. "The facility is underground, and my estimate would be two bombs to fully take it out."

    Warlock looked pleased. "And what about the weapons guarding it, Lieutenant?"

    "Let them run out and dog fight their way out." Margot explained. "It's too risky to try to blow them up, I think we'd be risking casualties on our end. I think it's completely do-able if the pilots are on alert." She switched screens on the smart board. "My recommendation for the team are Flash, Phoenix and Bob, Payback and Fanboy, and Freeze." She pulled up the profiles of the six pilots she thought were best to recall.

    "Not putting yourself in the mix, Lieutenant?" Cyclone asked, raising his eyebrows.

    "No, sir." Margot answered, fighting a yawn. She was exhausted and had been for the last week or so. No matter how much she rested, it never seemed to be enough. Rooster and Isla's wedding was the following week, and there had been a lot going on getting ready. "I'm interested in teaching it, not flying it."

    "You and your WSO?" Warlock inquired.

    "Lieutenant Álvarez has her leave request in the week training would be starting." Margot answered, not bothering to explain that was their honeymoon. "In fact, I was hoping to teach it with Commander Seresin."

    "Absolutely not. That's a conflict of interest." Cyclone interjected. He hadn't been pleased when Iceman blocked Jake from moving to NAS Oceana. Jake had been accepted by the program, but Ice argued he was more beneficial to North Island, and was kept in place.

    "Lieutenant Álvarez is about to be my sister-in-law, are you suggesting she get pulled from being my Weapons Systems Officer and co-instructor because we'll be family?" Margot questioned. "Sir, there aren't any restrictions against working with Commander Seresin due to our martial status. It would be beneficial considering Commander Bradshaw will also be on leave."

    "Husbands and wives shouldn't mingle at work-" Cyclone began, but Warlock interrupted.

    "They're more than capable of maintaining a professional relationship." Warlock stated. "Siren has developed a great course and I believe it can be taught well by her and Hangman in two weeks." He turned off the smart board. "We will recall several more graduates and you can pick from the group when you begin the mission training in two weeks. I'll notify Commander Seresin of the change. Thank you, Lieutenant."

    "Thank you, sir." Margot replied, and unable to help it, smiled smugly at Cyclone. "I am looking forward to it."

    Margot left the room, quite pleased with herself. She'd had a better year with instructing, she had gotten to branch out more. She and Isla had been commended on their work together too. She rubbed her temples as she walked down the hallway to go to the hangar her class was in. It was almost their last week, then she would begin working with the detachment assignment group after the wedding. Her head was killing her, she was sure it was from the exhaustion.

    "How'd it go?" Isla asked. Their pilots were taking a test in the next room over. They could see them through an observation window, Isla and Margot were in one of the offices.

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