Chapter Seventeen

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Jake Seresin

    "Dude, I can't believe we're hanging out with Kazansky and Bradshaw. Are you fucking high right now?" Coyote asked Jake. He was in the kitchen at Jake's. The two in question were in the living room, playing a video game. Hence the reason for the visit, Jake had invited the four of them over. He'd much rather be with his girlfriend, but she was out with Phoenix and Isla for drinks. Evidently a girls night had been needed. At least, that's what Isla said before pushing him out of the house. He figured he might as well use the time to get to know Rooster and Ryder better. Things were going well, and he knew that would mean a lot to her. He owed her after dinner with his mom two weeks ago.

"They're important to Margot, so by default, important to me." Jake answered. His apartment was big enough there was no way the other two would overhear. "And you bonded with Kazansky. You bared your asses together on Halloween."

"I get why Bradshaw is, but Kazansky? He used to fuck your girlfriend, in case you forgot." Coyote told him. He narrowed his eyes. "Man, what happened on Halloween, stays on Halloween."

Jake rolled his eyes as he stacked the empty pizza boxes to take out later. "I haven't." He replied, "But he's not that bad. He's a pain in the ass but I respect him. Regardless of being her ex, they're still good friends. She's put up with you for me, and that's saying a lot." He added, picking his beer up. "Wouldn't kill you to not be a dick."

"Look who's talking." Coyote responded. "But fine. It's weird expanding the inner circle."

That was the damn truth. The two of them had other friends but no one they hung out with like this. It wasn't such a bad thing to open that door. "And besides, he's fucking Phoenix now." Jake said, and Coyote choked on his beer.

"Man, I'm the only one here without a girlfriend. Fuck the three of you." Coyote mumble, and Jake patted him on the back. "You could have at least tried to set me up with Isla."

"She's into chickens." Jake answered as they walked into the living room.

"I heard that, dumbass." Rooster commented, not looking up from the screen. He was killing Kazansky in Mario Kart, which made Jake snicker. Ryder looked agitated as he kept getting spun out. "I firmly regret not getting to punch you in the face."

"You tried and failed, Roo. Don't feel bad." Jake told him with a grin. "I'm sure the wall was upset you hit it so hard."

"Maverick won't fail when he gets ahold of you." Rooster replied, "Trust me."

Ryder scoffed. "Maverick isn't violent." He interjected. "He'll just cut Seresin down with his words and make him feel about two inches tall." That was probably worse to be honest, Jake thought. "I could offer you some advice on dealing with him, you know."

Jake glanced at Coyote then back at Ryder. "Fine, I'll bite." He was curious to see where this was heading.

"I have nothing, you're fucked. He wasn't even thrilled when I dated her and he's known me since I was a baby." Ryder answered and Coyote swatted the back of his head. "Hey! The fuck!"

"That wasn't helpful you little shit." Coyote told him, then looked at Jake. "He's right man, you're fucked."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Speaking of you and Maverick, you better not rat us out to him either. It's Margot's decision when she wants to talk to him." He told Ryder. He knew obviously Ryder was close with her family, and their dads were even closer.

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