Chapter Eleven

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Jake Seresin

    Jake was leaning against a ladder on the flight line as Rooster read off statistics from Margot and Isla's flight on the tablet. He looked up to Rooster shaking his head. "What? Time to go back in the hen house? It's getting to be late afternoon and roosters are morning creatures." He asked grinning. They had been working better together for the most part, more of a collaborative approach. He still liked to screw with Rooster, but they'd come to that middle ground. He wondered if that would be squandered as soon as Rooster found out Jake was sleeping with his sister.

    "Nothing, they're just fast. And are the only ones to complete it so far." Rooster answered, looking up. "It's impressive."

    "Are you surprised? I made the arrangement for their flight team. And look at who her father is, neither piece should be that shocking." Jake said, shrugging. He caught the hint of annoyance on Rooster's face at the mention of Maverick. "You'd probably look better if you weren't scowling all the time." He paused. "Actually, probably not, but you'd feel better."

    "I don't scowl." Rooster mumbled, while scowling. "I'd just prefer not to deal with him at all."

    "They're a package deal. Want her in your life, he comes with it in some capacity." Jake pointed out.

    "Since when are you an expert on my sister?" Rooster questioned, "And why?"

    "I'm observant." Jake responded. He looked up when there was a boom in the sky. He didn't see anything, but wondered what the hell it was. "Check the radar." He told Rooster, who moved to pull it up. Jake looked up again and saw Maverick's fighter jet coming in. He watched as he landed, and came jumping out as soon as he did. He jogged toward the two of them, and Jake wondered what the hell was going on.

    "They had to eject, bird strike. I called in search and rescue to go retrieve them. As far as I could see, their ejection went fine." Maverick said, "Continue with Captain Parker for the last rounds, there's a few more pairs left to run the course. I am going to the hospital to check in with them."

    Jake realized that had been the boom he heard. He had a million thoughts running through his mind, but if they ejected properly, Margot was most likely fine. The ejection survival rate was about 92%, so her odds were good. He'd rather see that with his own eyes but it was apparent that Maverick wasn't going to let either of them leave. He was technically their superior here too. He knew going to the hospital after something like that was standard. It didn't mean she was hurt. At least, that was what Jake kept telling himself.

    "I'm coming with you." Rooster replied immediately.

    "You're needed here. I was given the order to have the class keep running while they get checked out." Maverick told Rooster. Jake felt like he was watching a pissing contest. He obviously wanted to go but wasn't sure how to make it happen considering neither of them knew he was dating Margot, and had been for just over a month now.

    "She's my sister!" Rooster argued. "I want to see if she's okay."

    Jake raised his eyebrows, feeling a little impressed Rooster stood up to Maverick. He didn't think Bradshaw had the balls. Nor had he ever seen Rooster take such a tone with anyone before. He glanced back at Maverick, who apparently was surprised too.

    "She's my daughter and that's an order, Lieutenant." Maverick announced, with finality in his tone before walking off.

    "Fuck him." Rooster said as Maverick left. "This is bullshit. I don't want to stay here and babysit while my sister is getting evaluated."

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