Chapter Fifty

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Margot Seresin

        "I hate to say it, but Bagman makes a cute kid." Phoenix commented. She was looking over at Luke in Margot's arms. He was currently awake. "But of course he does. Why should we be surprised? It's actually kind of infuriating someone as irritating as him can be so......" Margot suspected she was going to use the word perfect but refused to label Jake that way.

    "I'd argue maybe it's because of me but he's pretty much Jake's clone. I've seen the baby pictures. I did all this work for what?" Margot replied and Phoenix laughed.

    "He has your eyes though. Exact same shade." Isla pointed out. "Imagine a blue eyed Jake Seresin. Women everywhere will faint."

    Margot laughed, shifting Luke. They were sitting around outside at Margot's house on the patio furniture. She had thrown Jake a small birthday party. It was his 30th, but he had wanted something low key. It was his actual birthday today. He'd already been out with the guys the weekend before. After a massive hangover, he ended up with a smaller party. It was him, plus about ten friends who went out before. They went to a Dodgers game then were out all night, stayed in LA. Not a single one came home not hungover. Since Ryder had gone, Phoenix stayed with Margot.

Margot glanced at her son for a moment. Luke was eight weeks old now and could lift his head more. He appeared to enjoy looking around. Though Margot knew he couldn't see much yet far away. "How you feeling Iz?" She asked, focusing on her.

    "Hot and puffy. I've I ever do this again, I am timing it so I am not pregnant in the summer." Isla answered, sighing. "I keep hoping she'll come early." Isla's due date was in a few days. "I had what is probably my last appointment yesterday, everything still looks good. My bloodwork, levels and her. Which is great but come on." She glanced at her round stomach.

    "Yeah you have my sympathies. I can't imagine being pregnant now. It's really fucking hot early this year." Margot told her. "You look uncomfortable, you don't have to linger. Jake isn't going to mind. I wouldn't blame you if you want to go home."

    "I'm fine. I'd just be miserable over there alone." Isla said, "I feel you on the end sucking. The labor pains, just how big you feel, everything." She sighed, "What did you say before? Expel him from your body? I am on board with that now." Phoenix was laughing, not knowing about when Margot said that. "You're looking good by the way. Are those pre-baby shorts you have on? I feel like I remember you wearing them before."

    Margot nodded. "I lost most of it by the time I left the hospital. I got the clear to start working out at six weeks when I went back to work. I've got maybe five pounds left. I need to tone more but overall feel like myself now." Margot answered. The human body was a bizarre and interesting thing sometimes. Some women dropped weight very quickly after birth, some it took a few weeks, months or more or never at all. She guessed genetics, fluid gain and where fat stored during pregnancy all factored. "I'm going to make the baby rounds before he falls asleep." She stood up with Luke.

"I'll be here, withering away." Isla joked as Margot stood up.

Margot was a little worried about her, she seemed more uncomfortable today than she had. She knew she was in the part of pregnancy where false labor pains started, and her due date was close. Margot took Luke around, ending up with her dad and, Rooster and Jake. Her dad's face lit up as he took Luke.

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