Chapter Thirteen

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Margot Mitchell
Two weeks later, Margot was up early the day of the Halloween party. She and Isla had hustled to get things ready, Ryder had come over for a while to help. It felt like old times again with the three of them. Margot felt like her life was falling into place in some ways. Eight weeks into Top Gun, she and Isla kept battling one other pilot for the top spot. It was a back and forth game they were playing. Flash, the other pilot, was really fucking good. He was also a major pig and crude, but he was good in the air. Her dad had made the remark before about some pilots you just wouldn't like, and he was one of them.

Margot was finishing the touches on her costume. Isla had gotten finished first, and was greeting guests. Margot had taken longer to get in the shower and actually start. She looked herself over in the mirror. She'd always wanted to do this costume but had never taken the plunge. She felt like at twenty-four, she could pull it off now. And it wouldn't have seemed as inappropriate as when she wanted to do it at sixteen.

Standing in front of her mirror, she had on a light pink corset with hot pink tights. She had her blonde hair curled, pulled half up, with a pair of pink bunny ears on top. She was Elle Woods in the Halloween scene from Legally Blonde. She pulled up the corset some, trying to get it to feel comfortable. She felt like she was spilling out of the corset, but figured they were all adults. Anyone who was offended by cleavage needed to grow the fuck up. Men could walk around however they wanted, women shouldn't be shamed or hide their bodies. She turned to the side to look at the butt and she had the little bunny tail on the back at her tailbone. Margot was thrilled at how it came together, it was one of her favorite movies.

Margot heard a sound at her door, and she went to open it. Jake slipped inside and his eyes went wide. "You're a Playboy bunny?" He asked her. 

"No! I'm Elle Woods." Margot said, and picked up the tiny Harvard flag she had gotten. "She was a bunny for Halloween in the movie." She frowned when he didn't get the reference. "Oh God. I look like a stripper." She turned her back to him. "Unzip it! I'm going to change. I am sure I have something else."

Jake put his hands on her shoulders, and turned her back around. "You do have the chest to be a stripper." He told her and Margot pushed him lightly. "Babe, you look incredible. You know I am okay with keeping things between us for now, but this is the first time it really sucks to not be able to walk out to that party and let everyone know you're my girl."

Margot felt her neck flush. "Babe?" She repeated, then smiled. "Maybe we could. Just keep it low key if Bradley is around. I still need to talk to him. In case he reacts bad I don't want it ruining tonight. But I may need to just tell him and get it over with." She looked down at herself then back at him. "You really like it?"

"It slipped out, I won't do it again." Jake replied, Margot shook her head. 

"No, I liked it. It just surprised me." Margot told him.

Jake's hands slid down to her waist. "I love it." He corrected. "Sorry I didn't get the reference, but we both know you're the pop culture genius between us."

"I'll educate you, young padawan." Margot replied, "Please tell me you got that one." She smiled when he nodded in confirmation. "Now what is this?" She asked, looking her boyfriend over. He had on dress pants, a belt, white button down, black jacket and a tie. He was also wearing square, black framed glasses. Margot looked at him and felt a grin as she realized what he was. "Jake......"

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