Chapter Forty-Four

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Margot Seresin
**Double Update today**

During the last two weeks, Jake had mostly gotten his shit together after their talk. Margot knew he was still bothered by the whole thing, but he wasn't as angry. He had in fact taken up running but it was with Rooster and Coyote. He did extend an olive branch to Colin though, and had suggested he apply for an instructor position in the weapons division. Jake didn't say it to him, but he had admitted to Margot it would give the option of getting to know one another if they chose to. Jake had some interest but also wasn't quite there yet. He also thought Colin would be good for that job, and it didn't feel right to let personal bias sway that.

They were attending a squadron Christmas party at a hotel in Los Angeles. It was one of the bigger parties and so it had required a bigger venue. Margot had on a long, one shoulder red dress. It hugged her baby bump, there was definitely no hiding it at twenty-four weeks. Her bump was still not huge, but it was obviously seen easily now. Jake had on a white dress shirt and black pants. He looked like a spy or something, Margot thought it was hot.

Her brother and Isla were around the hotel somewhere. She had seen them a little earlier, but had gotten swept up talking to people. She and Jake had been bombarded all night by people they hadn't seen in a while. Though Rooster and Isla fell into that too, this was the first time they'd been with them in a bit. "I swear if one more person asks to touch my stomach, I will punch them out." Margot mumbled to Jake. "I am not a magic lamp! You don't get three wishes for rubbing it."

Jake laughed. "I completely agree, boundaries. But a magic lamp? Really?" He asked.

"I am glad one of us finds this amusing." Margot told him, crossing her arms. They pretty much rested on top of her bump, but it wasn't comfortable with her breasts in the way. She sighed and dropped them. "You get to continue to walk around looking hot as fuck and I feel like a blob."

"Only your description, not the touching." Jake assured her. "You are not a blob. You look incredible tonight." He told her, brushing her hair away to kiss her neck. "Believe me, I've seen a few guys I'd like to punch out."

"Bullshit." Margot stated.

"I'm not making it up." Jake said, "Admiral Pervert was staring at your ass and chest earlier." He told her. "He's playing Santa this year, fitting. I am sure he'd love for you to go sit on his lap."

Margot laughed. That was their nickname for one of the older admirals. That man had a young woman every time they turned around. His wife had passed years ago and apparently he didn't date anyone above the age of 30. He was the Leo DiCaprio of the Navy, but he set his age range slightly higher. "I'm pretty sure his current one is like 25. Does he have money? Big dick? I don't get the appeal. He's older than my dad." She asked Jake. "Not that older men can't be attractive, but he.....there isn't anything going for him."

"Status maybe? He's got a high rank. I'd say it's his dick but that man definitely has to take viagra." Jake answered, causing Margot to laugh.

"You know, that's what Victoria said you'd do to me." Margot commented. "I didn't believe that part of her whole speech that day. But," She paused. "I hate that it even happens, but the further along I get, I hear her in the back of my mind going on about how unattractive you'll find me. I know it's bullshit, I guess I didn't realize it stuck with me."

"None of this has changed how I look at or feel about you. Except for the fact that I think you're a fucking powerhouse. Carrying a child isn't a walk in the park." Jake told her. It definitely hadn't been. Margot knew it could be worse, but pregnancy definitely had challenges. "I understand though. Her words cut like knives. I'd know."

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