Chapter Forty-Five

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Jake Seresin

    This exact moment was the closest Jake had ever come to wanting to end someone. He had also never hated anyone as much as he did Victoria Astor in that moment. These thoughts came after he grabbed Margot to stop her from falling. He wasn't sure what Victoria had expected, they had two steps left to the ground. It still could have hurt Margot but thankfully Jake had caught her arm to stabilize her. When Margot was balanced, he turned to face Victoria. She looked horrified, and Jake thought she probably acted impulsively and realized what she had done.

    Margot hadn't even actually fallen, but Jake was livid. It could have been so much worse and his mother was the one at the end of the blame game. His wife appeared fine, but Jake could feel her grip on his forearm. He was sure she was shaken up, he sure as hell was. Flashes of not stopping her kept coming in his mind.

    "Jake-" Victoria began but it didn't matter. Hotel security had witnessed the entire thing and came to escort her away, and call the police.

    Jake turned to Margot, not even giving her a second glance. "Are you okay?" He asked, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I feel like we should get you checked out."

    "I'm fine. It was practically a stumble since you caught me." Margot answered. "I didn't hit anything. Emotionally? Yeah I am fucked there, but physically, I am fine. I promise."

    "The baby-" Jake began, and Margot moved one of his hands to her abdomen. He could feel the baby move underneath his palm.

    "Is fine. Seriously, it was like tripping. I'd tell you otherwise if anything felt off." Margot told him. "I'm just shaken up." She searched his face for a moment. "Jake......what the fuck?" She finally said. "Are you okay?"

    "I will be. This whole thing is over. She's lurked for three years, and it's done." Jake said, "If you're sure you're okay, can you do me a favor?"

    "Anything." Margot answered.

    "Can you go get Colin?" Jake asked, "I'm going to wait on the cops." His wife didn't ask why before nodding. She reached forward and hugged him before disappearing to get his half brother.

    When Margot returned, Colin's face definitely read that he knew what had happened. He glanced toward where Victoria was sitting with the cops now.

    "I've got no right to ask after how I've acted toward you," Jake began, "But does your mom still work for my.....our dad's firm with Jeff Gonzales?"

    Colin nodded. "Yeah. Still a pretty successful practice." He said, "Why?" His face suddenly broke out into a grin, and Jake almost felt like it was a mirror image of his own. "You want a restraining order?"

    "I'd prefer a lifetime protective order," Jake answered. "But it'll depend what the cops say. Technically speaking, she didn't injure Margot or the baby. But she attempted to. And we've kept some documentation of her following us, and I know my former step-dad would speak against her."

    Jake noticed Margot looked flushed and he raised an eyebrow. "Sorry. It's kind of hot when you talk like an attorney." She admitted, biting her lip. Jake just grinned, and shrugged. He'd been on the law school track at one time.

    "I'll call her. I know she'd be more than happy to slap that on her." Colin answered. He glanced over at Victoria then back at Jake. "I haven't said it, but I am sorry I didn't tell you who I was. And given your family track record, I don't know if you'd have trusted me anyway."

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