After Story Chapter 7: Kyouka Gojo

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A/N: Alright, got another chapter for y'all, decided to just make this cuz i felt like it, once again, having a little trouble with writers block on my other story... it's annoying as hell.

Anyway, enjoy, lots of references in this one, since what the hell, they worked for the character.

The lights above the four figures flickered a couple of times before steadying, casting their glow over the platform.

Kyouka immediately sensed something was wrong. Her legs no longer trembled, her body lacked its usual quiver, and an inexplicable surge of confidence washed over her, banishing any trace of fear from her body.

She turned her gaze towards Yuki, who stood beside her with unwavering confidence.

Kyouka: I've got this. Stay out of it.

Yuki hummed and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Yuki: You sure? Your dad won't be very happy if you—

Kyouka: It's fine. I'll show my father what he's created.

Kyouka's eyes narrowed dangerously, sending a tremor through Yuki's arm, prompting her to glance down at it in bewilderment.

Redirecting her focus to the two curses, one of them bellowing with lava spewing from its head and ears, Kyouka remained unfazed by its cries. It struck her as odd—usually, she would care, but now, for some reason, she couldn't even hear it.

Kyouka: Is this what it's like to face a special-grade cursed spirit?

Her voice, low and deliberate, sliced through the air as she slowly stepped up onto the guardrail separating the platform from the tracks, towering over the curses below.

Kyouka: Forgive me. I find it unsettling to be looked down upon by anyone other than Father. So, I'll stay up here for now, where you're beneath me... where you rightfully belong.

Yuki smirked and chuckled softly, Kyouka's demeanor reminding her immediately of someone else.

Yuki: (She really is your daughter, isn't she.)

Meanwhile, Kyouka's words did not sit well with her adversaries. Jogo ground his teeth so forcefully they cracked, while even more lava erupted from his head.


Confusion flickered across Kyouka's face as she tilted her head and pointed towards the larger curse, now with its left arm exposed. She hadn't noticed that it remove the blanket, but at the moment, she couldn't bring herself to care.

The arm was black, with a striking red flower blossoming from its shoulder.

Kyouka: You there... Weed.

Hanami offered no response, merely tilting their peculiar looking head towards her. With a single step forward, Kyouka dropped off the guardrail, landing in the middle of the train tracks, where both curses followed suit, bringing them to the same level as their opponent.

Kyouka: I'll kill you first...

She raised her hand once more, gesturing for the curse to come at her. Her eyes wide with exhilaration as if high on adrenaline alone.

Kyouka: Come on, bring it.

However, when neither curse moved Kyouka furrowed her brow in confusion.

Kyouka: What's the problem? You two are the ones who said...

Lowering her hand, she strode across the tracks towards them, a fearless determination gleaming in her eyes.

Kyouka: ...not to run, right?

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