Part 8

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Qin Feng dashed into the command room and saw his father staring at the holographic screen with a troubled expression, indicating that the situation in Sector 51 was not very optimistic at the moment.

Seeing Qin Feng rush in, his father raised an eyebrow in slight annoyance and asked, "What's the rush?"

Qin Feng quickly approached his father, saluted, and then took a deep breath before saying, "Reporting, Commander! The marauder attack on Sector 51 is likely just a diversion! It's a trap!"

"Oh?" His father looked puzzled. "You're staying up late to think about this?"

"Yes!" Qin Feng affirmed.

His father nodded. "Alright, tell me, what have you come up with?"

Qin Feng replied, "Everyone only saw the marauder suddenly appear, but no one considered why it appeared."

"Why?" his father asked.

"To attract our attention."

"How do you know?"

"You just said it yourself; it's likely that it hasn't left our Sai Tan planet for the past three years."

"Yes, that's just speculation."

"Assuming this speculation is correct, then what has it been eating for the past three years? And how has it been sustaining its survival? You said we didn't need to consider this, but this is precisely the key!"

His father paused. "Perhaps... it doesn't need to eat anything, or... recharge?"

"Then why would it come out?" Qin Feng asked. "For over three years, it hasn't shown itself, indicating that there's a place suitable for its survival, and if it can survive there, why risk exposure? Why not wait for its 'comrades' to rescue it?"

"Who said coming out means seeking death?" His father pointed at the holographic screen. "You've seen it yourself; just one marauder has left us helpless. Does that look like it's seeking death? Three years ago, over a dozen marauders breached our defenses and landed on the ground. Just a dozen of them turned our home into what it is now, chaotic and ruined! And now, we don't even know how many lives it will cost to take down just one! Does that still look like it's seeking death?"

Qin Feng paused and then said firmly, "If it's not seeking death by doing this, then it proves I'm right!"

His father looked puzzled for a moment, then suddenly turned serious. Just then, the alarm on the holographic projection sounded: "Warning! Sector 16 is under marauder invasion! Warning! Shield generator at Shan Mountain in Sector 16 has been destroyed. Please repair immediately..."

The father and son exchanged a glance and immediately rushed to the holographic projection. It turned out there were indeed accomplices!

Furrowing his brows, his father shouted, "Mobilize all combat personnel from Sector 51 to immediately go to Sector 16, hurry!"

"What about Sector 51?" the deputy commander asked.

"Sector 51 is not their target. Don't worry about it for now. Observe the movements of that marauder!"

"No!" Qin Feng interjected. "We can't withdraw all personnel from Sector 51!"

His father looked at him, seeming a bit puzzled.

He continued, "If no one holds back this marauder, it's likely to affect the surrounding areas."

"Sector 51 is far less important than Sector 16, and besides, the residents in the surrounding areas of Sector 51 have already evacuated." His father waved his hand, indicating to carry out the orders.

A strange glint flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. "Can't we bring in some reinforcements from other cities?"

"Yes, but they're all too far away, they won't make it in time."

"What about air support or long-range laser cannons?"

"Those areas are all shield generator sites. Do you want to assist them?"

Qin Feng thought for a moment, then dashed out while saying, "Summon all reserve members for emergency assembly!"

"Wait!" his father shouted.

Qin Feng turned back. "Dad, we're running out of time!"

"Stay safe!"

Qin Feng nodded and ran out. At the same time, a notification sounded across the base: "All marine corps members, please pay attention, emergency assembly..."

Outside the door, Zhong Yuanjie looked around anxiously. Seeing Qin Feng coming out, he hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

Qin Feng shook his head. "Time to get to work!"

Ten minutes later, all marine corps members had assembled and were neatly lined up next to the transport aircraft.

It was Qin Feng's first official mission, and as he held his plasma flow rifle, he felt a mix of emotions: excitement, pressure, but above all, a sense of duty!

"Let's go!" With the captain's command, everyone boarded the transport aircraft one by one.

Qin Feng found his seat and sat down, with Zhong Yuanjie and Ruan Xiaoyu on either side. The three of them were all excited, in stark contrast to the solemn expressions of the others.

A person across from them nodded and asked, "Reserves, right? First mission?"

The three nodded, unable to contain their excitement. "How did you know?"

The person smiled slightly. "I was just like you on my first mission."

The three looked at each other, puzzled. "Is there something wrong?"

He shook his head. "You'll understand when we get there. I hope you'll still be smiling..."

The three immediately stopped smiling.

As the transport aircraft started up, emitting a deafening roar, the fuselage began to shake violently. Qin Feng instinctively gripped the handrail next to his seat. After a while, the aircraft stabilized, and Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. "I really don't understand why the marine corps always has to travel by plane."

"Because it's faster," Ruan Xiaoyu joked. "If you took a car, by the time you got to the battlefield, there'd probably only be cleanup duty left."

"Are you afraid of flying?" Zhong Yuanjie asked.

Qin Feng nodded. "A little scared of heights..."

Ruan Xiaoyu teased, "It's okay, if we fall, we'll all die together."

What started as a joke earned him a series of eye rolls.

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