Part 38

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In Qin Feng's mind, there was always a question, a question that had been there since his first day at the Air Defense Zone, but he had always kept it hidden and never asked.

That question was, why did the Marine Base turn into ruins after the attack, but the Air Defense Zone remained unscathed? Logically, shouldn't the Air Defense Zone be a bigger target?

With this doubt in mind, he found Liu Yuan today and expressed his thoughts.

Liu Yuan smiled after hearing it and said, "You came a few months later than I expected, but it's okay. Before I answer your question, I want to ask you one."

"Ask me? What question?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

"Do you know what powers the Shield Mountain defense layer?"

Qin Feng thought for a moment. "Electricity?"

He shook his head and got up. "Come on, I'll show you something."

The two arrived at the elevator leading underground.

"Xiaoya showed us around here before," Qin Feng said.

Liu Yuan operated the instrument next to the elevator, and the door opened. "Then she must have told you that there are places you can't enter without the right clearance level, right?"

"Yeah, she said that."

"But my clearance level is enough."

The elevator started to descend, passing through the spectacular hangar, then through the vast construction workshop, and finally stopped at the Water World.

Exiting the elevator, Qin Feng said, "Isn't this the training area?"

"This is just the surface."

They walked through a corridor, turned a corner, and came to a door with a big red exclamation mark on it. Below it was a line of text: Radiation? Danger! Non-personnel prohibited from entering!

Liu Yuan used his fingerprint to open the door, revealing another long corridor inside.

"But... doesn't it say there's radiation?" Qin Feng looked confused.

"That's just to scare people," he said, stepping inside.

Half believing, half doubting, Qin Feng followed cautiously.

This corridor was long, at least four to five hundred meters. There was a room on each side every few meters, and through the small windows on the doors, people in hazmat suits could be seen moving inside.

"Keep your eyes forward, don't look to the sides," Liu Yuan reminded.

"Why? We're already inside, why can't we look?"

"Because your clearance level isn't high enough to see these things."


The more he said that, the more Qin Feng wanted to see. When passing through a door, he leaned towards the door to take a look through the small window. He saw something strange, resembling a human but not quite.

Its skin was gray, with a large head and large eyes, but a small mouth, as if it had no nose...

An alien! Qin Feng's heart pounded in shock.

It shouldn't have been such a big reaction to seeing aliens, because the marauders were also aliens, and they were a super-civilized alien race.

But why did Qin Feng feel shocked? Because they had only seen the marauders, no other aliens.

Qin Feng thought to himself, 'That must be an alien, otherwise why would it look like that? It could also be a freak...'

Soon, the two entered a room with hazmat suits hanging on the walls.

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