Part 45

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Among the 199 colony ships, except for four that encountered some trouble during launch, resulting in a delay in trajectory adjustment and thus managed to return within three minutes, the remaining 195 colony ships all perished, with no survivors...

It must be said that the minor trouble encountered by these four colony ships actually saved their lives.

The marauder fleet did indeed arrive near Saitan within about three minutes, a stunning speed that Saitan's technology could not match.

The massive marauder fleet destroyed the entire colony fleet in just over ten minutes, but they didn't rush to leave or launch an attack on Saitan. Instead, they waited outside the Shield Mountain defense layer, seemingly showing off, yet also demonstrating.

Clearly, they had achieved their objective.

This event was an absolute blow to the United Government. For people around the world, it was like a hammer blow. The flame of hope that had just been lit was mercilessly extinguished by a bucket of cold water.

195 colony ships, 390,000 lives, all gone...

Some people lamented, mourned, and despaired...

Some secretly rejoiced, grateful that they weren't on the spacecraft...

Some were angry and proposed, "We can't let them do as they please. We should fight back!"

The United Government: "How do we fight? We can't possibly defeat them, doing so would mean mutual destruction."

"Mutual destruction is better than sitting and waiting to die!"

In the end, this proposal was rejected by the United Government: "Our goal is to survive!"

Xiaoya lamented, Zhong Yuanjie rejoiced secretly, while Qin Feng felt both. He lamented but also secretly rejoiced that he wasn't on the spacecraft.

The three sat in silence in the room, each lost in their own thoughts.

After a while, Zhong Yuanjie spoke up, "We've attracted the marauders' attention now, and there's no way for us to leave."

Xiaoya said, "The United Government has announced that the departure plan scheduled for one week later has been canceled."

Qin Feng took a deep breath. "Well, if it's canceled, it's canceled. It doesn't concern us."

Zhong Yuanjie said, "Why don't they come in? I'd love to take them down one by one and vent this anger!"

Qin Feng: "Because they're afraid."

Zhong Yuanjie: "What? Am I hearing you right? They're afraid too? What are they afraid of?"

Qin Feng: "They're afraid of us mutually destroying each other."

Zhong Yuanjie: "I'm afraid we don't have that capability."

"You're wrong, we do!" Xiaoya said.

Both of them were stunned. "What capability?"

"Um..." She looked at Qin Feng. "You say it."

Qin Feng stared and said, "What you said, how would I know?"

"I don't know either," she said.


During the day, everyone was not in the mood for training, looking like they were facing a great disaster.

Because he was absent-minded, Qin Feng almost collided with another aircraft during landing. If it weren't for Xiaoya's timely reminder, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

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