Part 29

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Qin Feng stood motionless, unable to come to his senses for a long time.

The base was gone, but his father was still inside.

Let's rewind time, back to a few hours ago. The alien mothership suddenly launched an attack on Saton Star, and shortly afterward, Shield Mountain was breached, and the Sky Net drones fell one after another.

Almost all the Marines mobilized and rushed to various combat locations.

Qin Feng's father sat in the command room, his brow furrowed. He didn't know if what he was doing was right. With no one left in the base, the marauders could easily take advantage of the situation!

But the situation was dire, and manpower was severely lacking. What could be done?

He didn't voice his concerns to the deputy commander because it was too late now, with all the Marines already mobilized.

He got up and walked to the French windows, looking at the scene outside, silently praying. He prayed for his son, Qin Feng, to arrive safely at the bunker and for the marauders not to come to the base.

But alas, what one fears most often comes to pass. The explosions outside grew louder and louder, gradually reaching the ears of everyone in the command room.

With each explosion, the ground trembled slightly.

Several marauders landed on the playground in front of the base, one defensive type and several attacking types. It seemed they had come prepared and weren't landing randomly.

As soon as they landed, they began attacking the surrounding buildings.

At that moment, Qin Feng's father understood. Their primary target in this attack was the major bases!

The most feared thing had happened, and they were running out of time.

A guard rushed in, saying urgently, "Reporting, Commander, the base is under attack by marauders!"

The commander replied, "We're not blind, we know. Hold on!"

The guard hesitated. "We're barely holding on!"

The commander said, "Even if we can't hold on, we have to try. Every minute we can hold on is a minute gained!"

The guard hesitated for a moment. "Yes!" Then he turned and ran out.

Everyone wanted to be brave in their hearts, but when faced with danger, all they could do was fear, and then instinct took over.

Everyone was the same; no one was truly unafraid of death. If someone was, then they died as they lived.

Some people had to overcome this fear and force themselves not to react instinctively in times of crisis. They were soldiers!

When others were fleeing in panic, they had to swim against the current!

When others were weeping bitterly, they had to grit their teeth and endure!

As the marauders attacked the base, everyone in the command room was nervous, but they didn't show it and continued with their work.

They were afraid too.

But only they knew...

The deputy commander walked over and said, "Let's retreat."

The commander said, "Where to?"

The deputy commander replied, "To the bunker."

The commander shook his head and said lightly, "It's too late."

The deputy commander looked out the window and took a deep breath. "Yes, it's too late. Let's hope they succeed."

The commander said, "They will definitely succeed!"

A few minutes later, a loud bang echoed through the night sky! The command room of the base collapsed in response, turning into ruins...

Xiaoya and Zhong Yuanjie stood by Qin Feng's side for a long time, but they didn't dare to disturb him. Sometimes silent companionship was better than comforting words.

The surrounding people had already left, leaving only the three of them.

After a while, Xiaoya asked, "Do you know why I left back then?"

No one answered her.

She continued on her own, "At that time, they came to find me, saying they wanted to take me to the air defense zone. I refused. I said, 'I don't know you, I want to wait here for my dad.' They said, 'Your dad asked us to come get you.' I didn't believe them, so they showed me my dad's badge..."

She paused. "They said, 'A beam of laser hit your dad's cockpit, and your dad's body, along with the fighter jet, was vaporized in an instant. Fortunately, he wasn't wearing this badge at the time, so it was preserved... He left suddenly, without any pain.'"

With a bitter smile, she asked, "Do you know how I felt at that time?"

Still, no one answered her.

"Same as you do now!" she said.

Qin Feng finally reacted and turned to look at her.

She sighed deeply and said, "Nonsense about no pain. It's not them who died, so how would they know there was no pain? Hypocrites!"

"Why did you still go with them back then?" Qin Feng asked.

"Because I wanted to be a pilot, like my dad, fighting aliens, fighting marauders, fighting to kill them!" She waved her fists.

"Was that also your dad's wish?" Qin Feng asked.

"No, it was my own idea. He just entrusted the air defense zone to take care of me," Xiaoya replied.

"Entrusted it to that commander, what's his name?" Qin Feng asked.

"Lu Yuan," Zhong Yuanjie replied.

"Oh, right! Lu Yuan. He entrusted him to take care of you?" Qin Feng asked Xiaoya.

Xiaoya nodded.

"That's to say... he took good care of you," Qin Feng said.

Xiaoya frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Before Qin Feng could speak, Zhong Yuanjie immediately interjected, "Ah! Nothing, he means... he took good care of you! How nice... look at how well he took care of you, really... so beautiful." Then he quickly changed the subject and said, "Judging by your current marksmanship, you shouldn't have any problem fighting aliens... but there's one key issue now."

"What's the key issue?" Xiaoya asked.

"We don't have any organization now, and we don't have any guns," Zhong Yuanjie said.

"You don't have any, but I do! Tomorrow, you guys come with me to the air defense zone," Xiaoya said.

Zhong Yuanjie excitedly clapped his hands. "I've been waiting for you to say that! That's settled then. Are you good at getting your way?"

Xiaoya teased, "Guess~"

"Deal!" He put his arm around Qin Feng's shoulder. "Now that we've found our organization, we can continue to fight aliens. Cheer up."

Qin Feng managed to squeeze out a faint smile.

Zhong Yuanjie pretended not to notice. "Let's go. Tomorrow, we can fly big planes! Oh, by the way, you're still afraid of heights, aren't you? I'll teach you a trick, don't look down..."

Several hours later, most of the leaks in Shield Mountain had been repaired, with only a few minor ones still being gradually fixed... But it didn't matter much, as the marauders' massive bodies couldn't fit through those small leaks anyway.

Due to the surge in Shield Mountain's energy output, the resulting annihilation effect severely damaged the ecosystem.

Millions of people perished as a result!

Continental plate shifts caused some bunkers to collapse, leaving countless people displaced. Large amounts of seawater flooded underground, making the already scarce water resources even more precious.

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