Part 67

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In the past six years, the raiders launched four large-scale attacks on Saitan, but it was the fourth wave that truly destroyed Saitan civilization. To prevent the Yuan explosion and thus destroy the solar system, humans chose to deactivate the defense layer. Shield Mountain was shut down, and the raiders began to attack the ground indiscriminately, while the super interstellar mothership attracted the poles of Saitan, resulting in the disappearance of magnetic pole collisions.

With no magnetic pole locking, the atmosphere quickly disappeared, leaving Saitan a silent dead world.

Initially, the raiders only attacked the ground, but later, even the humans' only refuge, the "bunker," fell one after another.

But, it wasn't over yet; the real doomsday was just beginning!

Saitan Calendar: January 16, 2736.

Since returning to the airspace defense zone, Li Hongyue had been gloomy because of what happened that night, which still vividly haunted his mind.

He was deeply immersed in self-blame for this incident, feeling unworthy of being a commander...

Qin Feng had tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail. To prevent him from falling into depression due to self-blame, Qin Feng pulled out his trump card, saying, "Do you remember how you persuaded me back then?"

Li Hongyue glanced at him but remained silent.

Qin Feng continued, "You're not just a commander; you're also a soldier! In war, there will always be sacrifices! Whose loved ones haven't died in this war? Others are holding onto hope; what about you?"

Li Hongyue: "I know, you don't have to say anymore. There's another thing about the Arc Plan that I think I need to tell you in advance."

Li Hongyue: "The United Government intends to restart the Arc Plan, this is our last chance. Currently, there are only twelve remaining colony ships in the world, and they're all here with us."

"In our area? Why haven't I seen them?" Qin Feng asked in confusion.

Li Hongyue: "In a more confidential location."


"That's not important; you'll know when the time comes. What's important is that your itinerary has been arranged, and you'll depart on the 1st of next month."

"What?" Qin Feng exclaimed, "So soon?!"

Li Hongyue chuckled, "Others want to leave earlier, and you think it's too fast?"

"No, I just... I'm not ready yet."

"There are still more than ten days~ That's enough time for you to prepare, right?"

"Um... it's enough. So, when are you leaving?"

"I'll go with you, but not on the same ship. All twelve colony ships will depart on the same day. Don't worry; you won't be alone."

"Oh, that's good." Qin Feng smiled, "What about after we all leave? There should still be many people on Saitan who can't leave, right?"

"There definitely are; the twelve colony ships can't take away that many people."

"What will they do?"

"You seem to be asking too many questions."

"Fate is very unfair."

"In fact, fate is fair because—we will all die!"

The next ten days were like an eternity for Qin Feng. He both wished for time to pass quickly and for it to slow down, feeling extremely conflicted.

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