Part 51

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The Raiders arrived as promised, always ahead of the expected time; they never seemed to be late.

Explosions echoed one after another in the sky, with one cavity after another appearing above the Shield Mountain defense layer.

Countless Raiders swarmed in, rushing towards the ground!

The fourth wave of attacks by the extraterrestrial super civilization against Satian began tonight!

Numerous fighter jets soared into the sky at the same time, facing the Raiders head-on!

Less than 100,000 particle beam laser cannons remaining globally also emitted dazzling light in an instant...

Qin Feng piloted his fighter jet straight up to an altitude of fifteen thousand meters, with hundreds of autonomous fighter jets following closely behind, relentlessly firing at the Raiders pouring in from the hole.

To his left was Xiao Ya, to his right was Zhong Yuanjie, and in the distance, countless other fighter jets were firing at the hole simultaneously, forming a protective net of gunfire that locked onto every Raider attempting to break through.

Laser beams wove a magnificent and colorful grand painting in the night sky!

The fighter jets, like schools of fish in the sea, vowed to defend their homeland to the death!

Every thunderous sound that echoed signified the fall of a Raider from the sky, crashing heavily to the ground, shattered into pieces...

Qin Feng gripped the control stick tightly, never relaxing his vigilance for a moment.

Just then, a Raider suddenly darted in from the hole, dodging attacks and heading straight for Qin Feng's fighter jet!

In the sea of countless fighter jets, it might have just randomly chosen one, but Qin Feng happened to be the unlucky one... Seeing the Raider approaching, he quickly maneuvered his aircraft, narrowly avoiding a collision as the Raider flew past underneath.

He might have avoided it, but the ground was about to suffer, as another intense battle would ensue once it landed.

Fortunately, there weren't many people on the ground now, so as long as it didn't attack the aerial defense zone, it wouldn't be a big problem...

Xiao Ya's voice came through the headset, asking, "Are you okay?"

Qin Feng replied, "I'm fine."

As the first Raider broke through the blockade, more and more Raiders followed suit, breaking through the firepower barrier and charging towards the ground!

"We can't let this happen, we have to stop them!" Zhong Yuanjie said, then turned his aircraft downward and dove.

Qin Feng and Xiao Ya tried to stop him, but it was too late. A large number of autonomous fighter jets followed him, diving down together.

With his departure, a large blank area appeared in the firepower net, and all the Raiders swarmed in, threatening to overwhelm them.

As Zhong Yuanjie descended, he was hit head-on by a Raider that had managed to evade the gunfire. The back half of his aircraft burst into flames, trailing a long tail as it plummeted to the ground!

Qin Feng and Xiao Ya watched helplessly from above, shouting, "Parachute! Parachute! Deploy your parachute!"

But all they heard through the headset was a crackling sound, followed by Zhong Yuanjie's intermittent voice saying three words: "Stuck... can't... release..."

Though they were already extremely anxious, there was nothing they could do. They could only watch his fighter jet plummet rapidly to the ground.

Countless Raiders broke through the blockade and began to counterattack the fighter jet formation. The original formation was quickly disrupted, and Qin Feng had no time to think about it. He fired frantically at them!

Fighter jets were constantly shot down, but the autonomous fighter jets, controlled by the system, reacted much faster than humans and were relatively agile in evading attacks.

Qin Feng tried to stay close to Xiao Ya, which was actually very dangerous, but he thought to himself, 'If something unexpected happens, he'll use his life to exchange for Xiao Ya's.'

Particle beam laser cannons continuously locked onto the Raiders breaking through the defense line and fired. Laser beams flashed before him, making Qin Feng break out in a cold sweat, thinking, 'If he were accidentally hit, wouldn't that be too unfair?'

Suddenly, another gap appeared in the defense shield. However, to everyone's surprise, no Raiders charged in from that gap. Instead, a massive square metal box was tossed in.

The box descended slowly, resembling a gift box.

An airdrop!

Everyone was puzzled. What was inside the box? In a sense, it could be considered a gift, like a bomb...

No one dared to approach, nor did anyone dare to attack. They just watched as it descended slowly.

Then, another box was thrown down, one after another, over a dozen in a row...

Looking around, it wasn't just one gap dropping boxes. All the gaps were dropping these huge boxes!

For a moment, thousands of huge boxes floated in the air, turning Satian into a world of cubes!

The Raiders in the air halted their attacks, using these boxes as cover as they charged towards the ground.

Were these boxes their artificial cover?

Then Qin Feng realized he had oversimplified the problem. It was too wasteful to use such large boxes as cover unless they had an abundance of metal.

Furthermore, these were probably not ordinary boxes because they had anti-gravity devices, allowing them to descend slowly without crashing down heavily.

So, what were these advancing boxes for? Were they aircraft? The shape didn't seem to fit the concept of propulsion...

Just as Qin Feng was wondering, all the boxes suddenly opened!

The square tops split open slowly, almost simultaneously. Countless Raiders poured out from thousands of boxes, like a giant hornet's nest!

It turned out these were transportation vehicles that could carry Raiders inside and be deployed onto Satian! This way, they could avoid all firepower attacks!

In the moment of realization, all the fighter jets opened fire simultaneously! Countless laser beams hit the huge metal boxes, sparking bursts of fire, but they couldn't even scratch them.

Surrounded by Raiders, the situation looked grim. Qin Feng immediately urged Xiao Ya to retreat, but she refused, saying, "We'll fight them to the end!"

More and more Raiders gathered in the air, forming a wall.

Persuaded by Qin Feng, she finally agreed to retreat, but now there was no way out. They were surrounded by Raiders from all directions.

"Up there!" Qin Feng pointed upwards.

Xiao Ya exclaimed, "Are you crazy? Going out means certain death!"

"Staying in means certain death too, doesn't it?"

The two of them flew their fighter jets directly out of the gap blown open in Shield Mountain. The feeling of weightlessness made them dizzy.

Outside, surprisingly, it was quiet. There was no gunfire, no battle, and no Raiders. They had all entered Shield Mountain. Only a massive mothership hovered overhead, motionless.

It was so huge, like a hat, silently floating in space.

The two of them turned their fighter jets around and flew back in through another gap from a distance.

"I hope the particle beam laser cannons don't mistake us for Raiders," Qin Feng said.

Xiao Ya replied, "Do we look like Raiders?"

"At least our behavior is similar..."

Before he could finish his sentence, accompanied by two loud booms, beams of light pierced through both aircraft in an instant!

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