Part 43

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Satantian Calendar: December 30, 2734.

The United Coalition Government announces: One hundred and ninety-nine Arks will officially set sail for Pisces on the last day of this year, tomorrow!

As for why it's one hundred and ninety-nine instead of two hundred, the reason is simple: to round it up. It seems the person in charge of arranging this matter has a bit of OCD...

With this news, the world fell silent... because there weren't many people left on the surface, everyone had moved underground.

There was jubilation in the bunkers as the restart of the Pisces Project brought hope for life. However, they didn't know that they had no chance of getting on the spaceship.

At this moment, those destined to die were celebrating, while those destined to live were furrowing their brows. One of them was Qin Feng.

He was destined to survive, but he was not happy at all because his friends and his favorite person were doomed to stay here and await death. Moreover, he didn't know how to tell his friends about it.

He didn't say it not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't know how to. This topic was too cruel, so he tried to avoid it.

As soon as the news broke today, Zhong Yuanjie came to find him: "Hey hey hey! The Pisces Project is starting, aren't you guys planning to get tickets?"

Qin Feng: "The personnel have already been decided, what does it have to do with us? Besides, do you even know where the ticket office is?"

"Um... I haven't heard of a ticket office."

"Yeah, so stop daydreaming. There's no chance for us. Go to bed, oh~"

"Now even Lu Yuan has been demoted, our only hope is shattered..." he muttered.

Qin Feng: "Even if he was still in office, he might not be able to get a ticket."


"Because he can only reserve one spot."

"How do you know?"

"Uh... I heard."

"Who did you hear it from? Xiaoya?"

"He told me himself."

"But aren't you two on bad terms? Aren't you uncomfortable around him? Why would he tell you this?"

Qin Feng was at a loss for words for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "Oh, how would I know? Maybe he just said it casually, and I happened to overhear."

He seemed very interested in this matter and kept asking questions. In the end, Qin Feng had to make up an excuse and said, "I passed by his office that day and accidentally overheard him talking to someone, so I eavesdropped for a while..."

Zhong Yuanjie: "Who was he talking to? Xiaoya?"

"Why do you have so many questions? No, it was with a guy."

"Oh, then it seems we have no hope."

"Didn't you say before that you never even thought about leaving Satanta? Why are you so eager today?"

"Wasn't that just boasting? Who doesn't want to live? Don't you want to live?"

Qin Feng paused and said, "Um... hypothetically, if I gave you a ticket and you could only save yourself, what would you do?"

Zhong Yuanjie was a bit confused by this question, scratched his head, and said, "I'd wonder who would give me a ticket. Just one person?"


After some thought, he said, "Then I'd tear up the ticket and not leave. It's no fun to live alone, might as well just die."

"But you have a very, very important task now, and you must survive to complete it. What would you do?"

"And what's that task?"

"It's related to the life and death of the entire solar system!"

"Then I'll complete the task first and then commit suicide!"

"Why do you have to die? Isn't living good?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

Zhong Yuanjie: "Because I'm too unlucky~ Everyone else is dead, but I still have to continue with the mission. Where can I reason with that? My life is just too bitter..."

"Ai ai ai! Alright, alright~ I was just asking you a random question."

"The thing is, the question itself isn't even serious, why do you expect me to give a serious answer? By the way, why are you asking such a strange question?"

"It's nothing~ just asking randomly."

The next day, countless citizens poured out of the bunkers just to watch the Arks take off.

Qin Feng, Xiaoya, and Zhong Yuanjie also went. It was Qin Feng's suggestion this time. She said, "Regardless of whether we have a chance to leave here, it's still nice to see others go and satisfy our curiosity."

But what he was thinking was to go and see the process of the spaceship taking off, maybe he could learn something and not be a complete rookie when he leaves in the future.

The air outside was very poor in quality, and Xiaoya prepared masks. At first, the two of them were reluctant to wear them, but as soon as they stepped out, they realized Xiaoya was right... with every breath, the air entering their lungs seemed to be filled with a large amount of dusty and turbid gas.

The three of them drove to the nearest launch site, which took about twenty minutes to arrive. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw people around them wearing masks, a large white area, as if there was some kind of epidemic here...

The three of them shuttled through the crowd, trying to find the best viewing spot, but they were still late. The good spots were already filled with people and they couldn't squeeze through.

"Didn't the reports say that half of the people were dead? Why are there still so many?" Zhong Yuanjie said as he squeezed through the crowd. Due to his already chubby physique, coupled with squeezing through the crowd, he was already sweating profusely.

"Maybe all the remaining people are here," Qin Feng said.

After much effort, they finally found a relatively spacious place. The two thousand colonists had already begun to board the ship one after another.

The two thousand people lined up in a row, like lining up to enter a movie theater, the scene was spectacular, but also very dull...

About 20 minutes later, the launch pad was ready to ignite: "10, 9, 8... 3, 2, 1 ignition!"

One hundred and ninety-nine colony ships ignited simultaneously around the world, the deafening roar resounded through the sky, and everyone's hearts were filled with excitement!

The sky was full of war, and the ground was full of smoke, about to leave them and welcome them would be a brand new world.

There, there would be no war, no harsh weather, no marauders. There would be no acid rain, no shortage of drinking water, and no swirling yellow sand...

In the excited gaze of hundreds of millions, the one hundred and ninety-nine colony ships gradually disappeared into the distance, leaving their sight...

The world here is about to come to an end, while the world there is just beginning.

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