Part 59

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When the two arrived at the aerial defense zone, it was already dark, but fortunately, the huge lights of the interstellar mothership illuminated their way back "home." At that moment, Qin Feng felt that even the marauders had a gentle side.

Xiao Ya said, "Don't misunderstand, they're just looking for better prey."

The guard at the gate stopped them: "Please show your identification!"

The two reached into their pockets but found that neither of them had brought their IDs...

"Um... don't you remember me?" Xiao Ya asked with wide eyes.

The guard shook his head, "Please show your identification!"

"You don't remember me? Just two years ago, I gave you an ice cream!" Xiao Ya protested.

The guard shook his head again, "I don't remember, please show your identification!"

"Oh no, this guy is not owning up after eating," Xiao Ya muttered.

Qin Feng whispered aside, "That was two years ago; who would remember that? Mention Lu Yuan directly."

"But he's dead!" "You're silly! If we don't say anything, how would they know?"

"Oh right! They wouldn't know," she chuckled at the guard, "Um... Lu Yuan, Commander Lu, you know?"

The guard nodded, "I know, he's been demoted."

Rolling their eyes, the two thought: 'More like he's dead!'

Xiao Ya chuckled again, "We were under his command. If you don't believe us, you can call him."

Qin Feng, feeling helpless, shook his head. What's the point of calling when the man's dead?

She seemed to realize this too and added, "But he's probably busy now and won't have time to take your call."

The guard looked at them suspiciously, then walked to the guard post and picked up the phone.

The two felt nervous but didn't know what to say.

Why were they nervous? They didn't know themselves...

Soon, the call was answered!

The guard said a few words and then asked them, "What are your names?"

"Xiao Ya," she replied. "Qin Feng."

The guard said a few more words, then hung up the phone and waved them in.

As soon as they walked through the gate, the guard said, "The commander wants to see you in his office."

Xiao Ya asked, "Why does he want to see us?"

"How should I know?" the guard shrugged.

On the way, Qin Feng asked, "Do you know this commander?"

"I've only seen him a few times, not really acquainted."

"I don't think I've seen him before."

When they arrived at the commander's office, Qin Feng knocked on the door, and a voice from inside said, "Come in!"

They entered the room, the same room as before, but the person sitting at the desk was different. The one who used to sit here was gone, and in his place was a man in his thirties, well-built, wearing a suit, and not at all looking like a leader, more like a fitness instructor.

He stood up, extending his hand, "Hello!"

Qin Feng shook it, "Commander, hello!"

Xiao Ya followed suit, "Commander, hello!"

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