Part 31

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Our ancestors all had experiences of living in caves, like a long tunnel, where it's pitch black whether it's day or night. The bloodthirsty primitive instincts lurk deep within human nature, and the evil minds constrained by civilization will be awakened here.

Many unknown things have happened in these dark corners...

So, instinctively, people have an inexplicable fear of these caves/tunnels, a contradictory mentality, simply both love and fear.

But the complex terrain in the tunnels puzzled Qin Feng, Xiaoya, and Zhong Yuanjie, because none of them knew the way. It's very easy to get trapped in the tunnels by accident. Even if they don't get trapped inside, it's very dangerous if they take the wrong path, as there could be a marauder waiting for them outside...

To address this, Qin Feng specifically bought a subway route map, but it didn't seem to be of much use. Because once they entered the tunnels, they didn't know where they were on the map. The only downside of this map is that it doesn't have a location feature, so even if they took the wrong route, they wouldn't know.

Xiaoya searched for electronic navigation, but there were only surface routes, not subway routes.

The three of them racked their brains, and even bought a compass, but still couldn't come up with a foolproof plan.

Zhong Yuanjie said, "With the map, navigation, and compass, I think it should be fine."

Qin Feng said, "It should be fine, but I'm afraid of unforeseen circumstances."

"What unforeseen circumstances could there be? I don't believe it. How can the three of us get stuck in a crappy tunnel?" Zhong Yuanjie waved his hand.

Xiaoya said, "You really shouldn't doubt it. Just by looking at you, it's clear you've never been in a cave or anything like that."

He scratched his head. "I really haven't been in, but I did go into the sewer once..."

The two were surprised. "Why did you go in?"

"To catch a fugitive."

Qin Feng said, "Shouldn't that be what the military police do?"

Zhong Yuanjie waved his hand. "That was in the past, it's not important. What's important is, after I went in, I got lost not long after, and almost didn't make it out."

"Yeah, from the outside, the tunnel looks simple, but when you're actually there, it's very easy to get lost. Because there are no landmarks, wherever you go looks the same, and soon you won't know where you are." Xiaoya added.

Qin Feng added, "The subway tunnels are complex and dangerous, with twists and turns."

Zhong Yuanjie said, "We've done more dangerous things than this, haven't we?"

The two looked at him, but didn't say anything.

He continued, "I think from any angle, this risk is worth taking! For the sake of defending our homeland, for the sake of continuing to fight the marauders! We can't become timid because of temporary safety, right?"

The two remained silent for a moment, then Qin Feng said, "That makes sense, why didn't you say that earlier?"

Zhong Yuanjie was taken aback. "Huh?"

"Forget it, let's go."

Then the three headed towards the direction of the elevator. On the way, they passed by a shop and bought four flashlights, one for each person, and kept one as a spare.

The distance between the bunker and the subway station was their first obstacle. Now there were no military police guarding the elevator entrance on the ground, they had all withdrawn into the bunker. People could come in freely, but they couldn't leave freely.

Since the three of them were wearing team uniforms, no one stopped them, and they easily entered the elevator.

The elevator rose slowly, and a few minutes later, the automatic door opened.

Outside was a dark gray world, and in the distance, you could faintly hear explosions. Several fighter jets roared overhead, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the air.

Confirming that there was no danger, the three stepped out of the elevator.

Qin Feng said, "Let's move quickly."

The two nodded and ran towards the subway station.

Fortunately, the process went relatively smoothly, except for Xiaoya twisting her ankle, they didn't encounter any marauders. When they arrived at the entrance of the subway station, Qin Feng asked to check her ankle, but she refused. She said, "It's okay, it's nothing serious, let's hurry."

Seeing her determined look, Qin Feng didn't insist anymore, and the three quickly went down the stairs.

There was no one inside the station, indicating that it was indeed out of service.

The reinforced glass barrier in front of the platform blocked their way, and the glass door was tightly closed.

Zhong Yuanjie attempted to pry it open, but without success.

Without tools, it was impossible to pry it open, so he simply kicked it with his foot. Qin Feng and Xiaoya also came to help, but despite their efforts, they couldn't open the door.

Xiaoya sat on the ground, rubbing her ankle, and asked, "What should we do?"

The two of them paced back and forth with furrowed brows, unable to come up with a solution.

Zhong Yuanjie exclaimed, "Damn it, now that we're here, how can we let a thin layer of glass block us?" He continued to kick.

Qin Feng said, "Stop kicking, it's useless."

Zhong Yuanjie cursed, "Damn it, if only we had guns."

"Even with guns, we might not be able to open it." Qin Feng looked around. "There must be another way to get through."

Zhong Yuanjie asked, "What way?"

"If I knew, I would have taken you there already! Something like a safety passage, how do the staff usually get through here?"

"They might not come through here." Zhong Yuanjie pointed to the glass door in front of them.

Xiaoya said, "Big brother, this is an automatic door. It only opens automatically when the train arrives, and locks after the train leaves."

"They might have keys or remote controls." Zhong Yuanjie argued.

Xiaoya was about to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Feng, "Enough, forget about how they got in. There must be other passages here. Let's split up and look for them. You go over there, I'll go here, Xiaoya, you wait here."

She nodded, "Then you two hurry back, or I'll be scared alone..."

Qin Feng said, "Didn't you tell me last night that you wanted to get used to being alone?"

Xiaoya rolled her eyes at him.

Zhong Yuanjie looked surprised, "What?! Last night, you two..."

"There's nothing, don't think too much." Xiaoya explained.

He looked at Qin Feng, full of expectation, hoping to get a surprising answer, but Qin Feng just shrugged helplessly.

Zhong Yuanjie sighed disappointedly, "Ah, you're no good either."

Qin Feng said, "Get lost! Go find it quickly."

The two went to search separately, and soon, they indeed saw a door next to the duty room.

The door was unlocked, Qin Feng opened it, and a cool breeze blew out from inside.

Yes, this was the door leading to the depths of the tunnel!

Qin Feng was delighted and was about to call the others over when he suddenly heard Xiaoya scream!

Earth EraOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz