Part 10

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Someone emerged from the dust and approached Qin Feng. It was Zhong Yuanjie, seemingly saying something to him, but he couldn't make out the words.

Soon, the dust settled, and his hearing returned. He saw Ruan Xiaoyu crouching behind another drone, about twenty meters away, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This isn't working; we can't even scratch it," Qin Feng said.

"What else can we do? We can't just run away, can we?" Zhong Yuanjie replied.

Ruan Xiaoyu joined them, saying, "I'm starting to regret coming here..."

Qin Feng patted his shoulder. "Don't forget who you are and your responsibilities. Don't disgrace our marine corps! Where's the captain?"

Both shook their heads.

"Where's the captain?" Qin Feng asked loudly.

"Right here!" the captain poked his head out from behind a nearby drone.

"Contact the base, request support!" Qin Feng ordered.

"The base said support is on its way!" the captain replied.

It seemed he had already contacted the base.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of engines came from behind. A line of anti-aircraft gun vehicles slowly approached, followed by hundreds of marine soldiers. At that moment, the synchronized footsteps and rumbling engines were the most stirring, igniting the blood of everyone present.

To prevent the marauder from suddenly attacking the vehicles, the captain ordered, "Provide fire cover!"

Protecting the vehicles with personnel was simple: vehicles were far more important than individuals!

Several helicopters hovered overhead, their searchlights focusing on the marauder to help the vehicles lock onto the target more accurately.

"The vehicles have reached the designated position and are ready to fire!"

"Permission to fire granted!"

Hundreds of marine soldiers joined the ranks to cover the vehicles. Laser beams illuminated the night sky, accompanied by deafening booms.

The marauder retreated steadily, occasionally firing a light wave that missed its targets. It seemed to have been disoriented by the dense firepower...

It continued to retreat, with the marine soldiers pressing closer.

A voice came through the earpiece: "The marauder in Sector 51 has been successfully eliminated while en route to Sector 16!"

Upon hearing this news, everyone's spirits soared, and some even disregarded warnings and rushed to within ten meters of the marauder, firing wildly!

The outcome was predictable: they were either caught in friendly fire or crushed by the marauder on the spot. Some were grabbed and swallowed whole, bitten into two pieces...

Qin Feng was shocked by this scene. He didn't understand how these people were trained. Were they foolish? Did they consider their lives so worthless?

Perhaps their captain hadn't told them, "Don't make pointless sacrifices..." Instead, all they could think of was, "Death before dishonor!"

Nevertheless, their deaths bought time for everyone. At least they distracted the marauder's attention, allowing everyone to concentrate firepower on it. Before long, it couldn't hold out any longer and collapsed! The area fell silent.

"Is it dead?" Qin Feng asked.

Zhong Yuanjie shook his head. "I don't know..."

"It should be... dead, right?" Ruan Xiaoyu said.

No one dared to move recklessly. Several people cautiously approached to confirm the situation and nodded.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief. There was no cheering or celebration because the bodies strewn about were their former comrades.

Just as someone was about to report the situation to the base, a global alert sounded!

"Warning! Partial core data loss detected in the high-polymer defense layer over Silver City, insufficient energy. Please repair immediately!"

"Warning! Large unidentified fleet detected in near-earth orbit of Satran Star..."

The nerves of everyone, which had just relaxed, tightened once more!

"What's going on? Are there more than just these two?" Ruan Xiaoyu asked.

"No way! There's more?!" Zhong Yuanjie exclaimed.

Qin Feng looked up at the sky and murmured, "It seems... their companions have come to rescue them."

Ruan Xiaoyu asked, "They're all dead, why would their companions come to rescue them?"

Zhong Yuanjie replied, "They sacrificed themselves to open the door to others' homes for their companions..."

Ruan Xiaoyu sighed, "This time, we might really be doomed."

Zhong Yuanjie added, "Because we killed their companions..."

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