Part 30

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Because of his father, Qin Feng couldn't sleep no matter how much he tossed and turned at night.

He thought, 'Could my father still be alive? Did he manage to escape through some secret passage at the moment the marauders attacked?'

But then he dismissed the thought. There were no secret passages in the command room, or even any secret passages throughout the entire base.

Of course, even if there were, he wouldn't know about them. Otherwise, how could they be called secret passages...

With a glimmer of hope, Qin Feng hoped his father was still alive. After who knows how long, he fell asleep.

In his dream, he saw his father.

He tried to run to his father, but he couldn't get close no matter how hard he tried. Anxious, he ran harder, but the result was the same. Eventually, he stopped, looking at his father, who was still smiling at him.

Qin Feng had a lot to say, but he couldn't make a sound. The more anxious he became, the less he could speak, as if an invisible hand was covering his mouth, no matter how he struggled.

In the end, he gave up, tears streaming down his face.

His father still smiled, as if comforting him, then waved to him and turned away.

"Dad! Where are you going?" Qin Feng finally shouted.

His father seemed to hear him, turned to look at him, and pointed behind him.

Following his father's pointing finger, Qin Feng saw a huge spaceship behind his father. It was the Ancestor!

"Can't you stay?" Qin Feng begged his father to stay.

His father shook his head without saying a word, then turned and walked into the spaceship.


Qin Feng woke up, tears streaming down his face... suddenly seeing someone sitting by the bed startled him! When he looked closely, it turned out to be Xiaoya.

"Why are you here?"

She handed him a tissue and said, "I heard you humming in the room, so I came to see."

Qin Feng took the tissue and wiped his eyes. "I'm fine."

Xiaoya said, "I know you're fine."

Qin Feng asked, "Were you like this too back then?"

She smiled slightly and nodded. "You get used to it."

Qin Feng asked, "Get used to what?"

"Uh... getting used to loneliness."

"But you're not alone."

"You want to say Lu Yuan again, don't you?" Qin Feng didn't say anything.

"Go to sleep well~"

Xiaoya got up and left, leaving Qin Feng alone. He couldn't sleep even more now.

In the long night, restless and sleepless, he thought of Xu Jia. Last time he visited her, he left her contact information. So he picked up his phone and composed a text message: "What are you doing?"

But then he thought it was already so late, it might not be appropriate to send a message. She should be asleep by now, so he deleted it.

Boredly staring at the ceiling, he didn't know how long it had been before he fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, Zhong Yuanjie came to wake up Qin Feng. "Get up, get up! We still have to go fly big planes!"

Qin Feng was shaken awake by him, groggily looked around, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

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