Part 21

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Of course, jokes aside, Xu Jia was just venting her dissatisfaction with Qin Feng in this playful manner. He had promised to come back often, but it had been over four years since they last saw each other, with no word since.

She often rode the elevator up to the surface when she had nothing to do, standing at the elevator entrance watching the passing crowd for hours at a time.

The wind tousled her hair, her eyes half closed. The rain wet her clothes, and she sought shelter under the nearby awning. Until the last elevator closed (the last one of the day), she left with disappointment written all over her face. So much so that frequent visitors would always see this girl waiting at the elevator, but no one knew who she was waiting for.

One time, a person who often came and went from the surface was delayed returning. By the time he arrived at the elevator entrance, it was already the last one of the day. He felt relieved but then saw the girl waiting at the elevator.

Since it was the last elevator, before the automatic doors closed, the girl, with a disappointed expression, turned and walked into the elevator.

The man was curious and couldn't help but ask, "Miss, are you waiting for someone?"

The girl glanced at him. He was a boy about the same age as her, quite handsome... She nodded.

"I often see you here. Who are you waiting for?"

The girl said nothing.


"None of your business," the girl said indifferently.

The man scratched his head awkwardly and chuckled, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious and didn't mean anything else by asking. Since you don't want to say, it doesn't matter. Pretend I never asked."

Seeing the boy's sincere expression, she managed to squeeze out a faint smile and sighed deeply as she looked out the elevator window, saying, "He didn't come, he never did..."

Over the past four years, she had repeated the same action countless times, standing at the elevator entrance on the surface, waiting for the person in her heart, but she never saw him.

Coincidentally, she gradually became acquainted with the handsome boy, and they slowly became friends.

The boy's name was Zhu Shixiang, a very down-to-earth name.

After getting to know each other, she didn't know how he found out which hospital she worked at, but from then on, he would always bring a bunch of delicious food to the hospital to hang out with her, whether he had something to do or not.

Over time, Xu Jia could also see his intentions, but she didn't say anything.

She was a year older than him, so she got used to calling him Xiao Zhu (Little Zhu).

Xiao Zhu would often accompany her to the surface elevator entrance, even though he didn't know who the "mysterious person" Xu Jia was waiting for was.

Xu Jia didn't say, and he didn't ask.

One time, Xiao Zhu came back late from work and saw Xu Jia standing at the elevator. He immediately turned and ran away.

Xu Jia didn't know what was going on with him. She wanted to chase after him but was afraid of missing Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhu came back soon after, panting, holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.

Xu Jia looked at the flowers and asked, "Where did you get these?!"

Xiao Zhu smiled, "For you."

No one had ever given her flowers before, and Xu Jia was very excited. Born in an era devoid of hope, flowers were a luxury for everyone. For girls of this era, they were a luxury item.

She calmed her emotions and asked, "What does this mean?"

"I like you!" Xiao Zhu said without hesitation.

Xu Jia's mind went blank for a moment, not knowing what to do. Passersby cast various looks at the two, including surprise, envy, blessings, jealousy... She felt a bit overwhelmed.

She wanted to take the flowers but couldn't. At this moment, she realized that some things needed to be clarified.

In the end, she didn't take the flowers but jokingly asked, "Didn't you say you didn't have any other intentions toward me before?"

Xiao Zhu: "Uh... that was before. It's different now."

"How is it different?"

"I've realized that I've gradually fallen for you."

Someone in the crowd clapped, "Young man, well done!"

Xu Jia: "I thought of you as a friend, and you actually want to sleep with me!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Zhu nodded, then quickly shook his head, explaining, "No, it's not like that, not what you're thinking."

"Not like what? Not liking me, or not wanting to sleep with me?" Xu Jia said, still smiling without any sign of anger.

Xiao Zhu stumbled over his words, "Not, none of those... um, not right, yeah, not really...?" He pondered for a while before looking up and saying, "It's like, none of those seem right, huh?"

The crowd laughed again.

Xu Jia nodded solemnly, saying, "Exactly, I can't agree to that."

"Why not?"

"I have someone in my heart."

"The one you're waiting for here?"

"Yes," Xu Jia admitted openly.

"I don't care, that person might never come back, he might have forgotten about you long ago!"

"But I can't forget him, it wouldn't be fair to you!"

"He won't come back."

"He will."

And so, with a bunch of flowers between them, they stood in the evening breeze for a long time. The wind lifted the corners of her skirt, and she looked so beautiful and charming.

In the end, Xiao Zhu compromised. He smiled and said, "Well then, I'll wait with you for him!"

Xu Jia nodded gently.

"Would you accept this token of friendship?" Xiao Zhu asked, then whispered, "So many people are watching, give me some face."

She smiled knowingly and slowly reached out her hands...

These were the stories Xiao Zhu later told Qin Feng. Now, Qin Feng only knew that Xu Jia was angry with him for breaking his promise years ago, unaware of how important he was to this girl.

After running some tests, Xu Jia concluded that Qin Feng had caught a cold. She prescribed some medication for him, and in the evening, he went to her house.

It was the same place, the familiar room, even the furnishings hadn't changed much.

The room Qin Feng had once stayed in was still the same, which stirred up some memories for him.

"How come you haven't come to see me all these years?" Qin Feng asked.

"Blame me," Xu Jia replied.

"That's not what I meant. I mean, uh... I couldn't just leave the base casually, and it's not that far away. Why didn't you come to see me?"

"How did you come out today then?"

"I, uh... snuck out."

Xu Jia looked into his eyes for a while. "You're lying!"

Qin Feng shivered. "Seriously! You could tell?"

"You can lie to others, but to me..." She wagged a finger in front of him.

"Alright then, I took sick leave."

Xu Jia rolled her eyes. "Who do you think you're fooling?"

That's how she was, a girl who wouldn't express her thoughts even if she wanted to. Even though the person she cared about wasn't far away, she wouldn't disturb him but waited for him to come to her.

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