Part 47

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Saitan Calendar: February 26, 2735, Evening.

A new round of large-scale attacks by the extraterrestrial super civilization against the planet Saitan!

At the moment the air defense alarm sounded, Qin Feng's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself, 'This is bad! Something's happened!' He quickly dashed towards the airspace defense zone.

At that moment, his phone rang from his pocket. He checked and saw it was a call from Xiaoya. He answered, "Hello?"

"Where are you?! We agreed you'd be back this morning, and it's already dark and you're still not back?" Xiaoya's voice came through the phone.

Qin Feng replied, "I ran into something, got delayed. I'm on my way now."

"Hurry up! Otherwise, it'll be too late!"

Qin Feng took a breath and asked, "What's going on?"

"What else could it be? Haven't you heard the air defense alarm? The marauders are here!"

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng looked up at the sky and continued towards the airspace defense zone.

He didn't know how long he had been running. When he got tired, he sat down next to some ruins to rest for a while before continuing to run.

There were no signs of any disturbance in the sky. The faint red Shield Mountain defense layer was as calm as ever.

But Qin Feng noticed inadvertently that the color of the Shield Mountain defense layer seemed to have faded, unlike before...

Had the energy weakened? He wasn't sure.

The urgent alarm continued to hover in the sky. Qin Feng found himself unconsciously humming along to the melody of the alarm, which was undoubtedly the most brainwashing music in the world...

What was supposed to be a two-hour journey, he completed in just one hour. When he arrived at the airspace defense zone, he saw a crowd inside, with even the ramps to the fighter jets filled with people.

Where did all these people come from? Had everyone from underground come out?

He found Xiaoya and Zhong Yuanjie on the playground.

"You finally came back. We were so worried," Xiaoya said.

"What's the situation?" Qin Feng asked.

"Where did you go?" Xiaoya asked.

"I had to deal with something at the bunker... but that doesn't matter now. What's important is the current situation," Qin Feng replied.

"The marauders are here," Zhong Yuanjie said.

Xiaoya added, "Four super motherships are right outside the defense layer."

Qin Feng asked, "What does the United Coalition say? Why haven't they launched an attack yet?"

Xiaoya shook her head. "I don't know. They just told us to be prepared for battle. The motherships could launch an attack on us at any time. Hurry up and change into your combat suit. We've been ordered to assemble."

He went to change into his combat suit, while the two of them waited for him on the playground.

Everyone stood neatly next to the fighter jets, waiting for the command to be given, ready to depart at any moment.

But there was still no movement in the command center. Everyone remained quietly observing, as if following the basic strategic principle of "I won't move if you don't move"...

The two sides remained in a standoff, and the surroundings were unusually quiet.

Qin Feng looked up at the sky and said, "Have you guys noticed that the color of the defense layer has faded?"

Xiaoya glanced at it. "Really! It's much lighter than before."

Zhong Yuanjie furrowed his brows. "What's going on? Could it be that they're absorbing energy from the defense layer?"

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned, and they began to discuss it, looking up at the sky...

If they could absorb energy from the sun, they could also absorb energy from the defense layer!

"This is not a trivial matter; we need to report it to the United Coalition immediately," Qin Feng said.

Xiaoya replied, "The United Coalition must already be aware of such a significant event. Besides, how do we report it?"

Qin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Let's find Lu Yuan."

They found Lu Yuan in the conference room, but he was too busy to attend to them.

After waiting for him at the door for a long time, Xiaoya suggested, "Let's go. We've already caused enough trouble for him."

"What trouble did we cause him? Oh, right, we're the reason he got demoted," Qin Feng said. "But this is different because once the Shield Mountain disappears, it directly affects the lives of everyone on Saitan!"

Zhong Yuanjie interjected, "Maybe we're jumping to conclusions?"

Qin Feng replied, "Better safe than sorry."

A few minutes later, Lu Yuan came out and asked, "What's the matter?"

The three of them explained their discovery to him, but he showed no surprise. He calmly said, "Is that all? The United Coalition is already aware of this."

Xiaoya remarked, "See? I told you they already knew."

Ignoring her, Qin Feng continued, "Is there a solution?"

Lu Yuan shook his head. "Not at the moment."

Zhong Yuanjie asked, "Will the Shield Mountain's energy be completely absorbed by them?"

"Not for the time being, but with four motherships... it's hard to say in the long run."

"How long?"

"I can't say for sure... If there's nothing else, I need to go back to the meeting."

The three nodded and left.

The sound of crackling electricity in the sky indicated that the Shield Mountain was continuously replenishing its energy. But how much energy could it provide compared to the four motherships, which were tens of thousands of times larger than Saitan?

"Yuan" energy was not limitless; it could collapse, explode, and deplete...

Under such high-power output, its depletion, collapse, and explosion were only a matter of time...

The marauders were forcing them, urging them to shut down the energy output of the Shield Mountain before it reached a critical point. This way, they could freely attack the ground!

Seeing Qin Feng's troubled expression, Xiaoya asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about something."

"What are you thinking about?"

"What would happen if the Shield Mountain defense layer disappeared?"


As time passed, the sound of electricity in the sky grew louder. There was still no movement from the command center. No orders to depart or to stand down.

As dawn approached and exhaustion set in, everyone was on the verge of falling asleep while standing.

Suddenly, a message came from the command center: "All fighter pilots, enter Level One Alert!"

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