Part 56

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"Let's go, let's take a walk outside." The hospital turned out to be much larger than they had imagined, and the two nearly got lost in their search for the exit.

When they finally stepped outside, Qin Feng realized that they were actually inside a bunker.

"I was wondering why this hospital wasn't attacked by marauders. Turns out, it's inside a bunker," Qin Feng remarked.

"Of course, if it were on the surface, it would probably be reduced to rubble, how could it be... this luxurious?" Xiao Ya exclaimed.

She was stunned by the sight before her. This place was even more prosperous than the buildings in Silver City before its destruction!

Neon lights flickered on the streets, magnificent skyscrapers sparkled with colorful lights, and monorail trains shuttled between towering buildings. In the distance, the tallest building seemed to reach the sky, its top invisible.

However, this was a bunker, unable to reach the sky. This indicated how deep the bunker was!

The area in front of the hospital was bustling with people, creating a lively scene.

It had been a long time since they had seen such a lively atmosphere. For a moment, it felt like they were in another world, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

Everything before them was real, yet in the current state of Satun Star, it all seemed unreal.

It was like a virtual world, or perhaps, they weren't even on Satun Star but on another planet...

The prosperity here contrasted sharply with the chaos outside.

How could this not make them doubt everything they saw? Was it even real? They hesitated for a while, and Qin Feng said, "By what you just said... you already knew how it was outside?"

Xiao Ya replied, "I knew this was a bunker, but I didn't know the inside of the bunker would be like this."

"It seems that the luxury of the hospital isn't accidental..."

As they were lost in thought, a monorail train rumbled overhead, bringing them back to reality. They looked at each other, expressing their surprise.

The central location of the bunker in Ugan City was also a huge circular square, similar to Silver City.

The square was crowded with people, making it a good place for everyone to stroll.

Seeing people dancing, Xiao Ya went over to join, while Qin Feng clapped nearby.

Seeing children on a swing, Xiao Ya also went over to play. After a whole day, Xiao Ya enjoyed herself, while Qin Feng was exhausted and sat on the ground, refusing to move...

"Oh, come on, hurry up! There's so much fun ahead," Xiao Ya urged, pulling him while walking.

"I'm hungry, I can't walk anymore," he said.

She touched her own stomach and asked, "Then what should we do? We don't have money..."

"We can go back to the hospital. We'll continue tomorrow," Qin Feng suggested.

"But..." She looked into the distance, full of longing.

After hesitating for a while, she finally agreed, "Okay. Since I'm also hungry, let's come back tomorrow. It's settled then."

The two returned to the hospital, coincidentally meeting Lu Yuan, who was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner. He asked, "Where did you two go? The nurse has been looking for you all day."

"We just took a stroll outside. The hospital was too stuffy," Qin Feng replied.

Lu Yuan shrugged. "Your stroll is fine, but the nurse was worried sick, thinking you two were missing."

The two chuckled and said, "We'll always come back for meals."

Lu Yuan shook his head. "Whether you eat or not, I don't care. But I know that without me, you won't be able to go anywhere except for this bunker."

"And we don't have money," Qin Feng added.

"Huh? You don't have money?" he asked.

The two shook their heads. "We're soldiers. We didn't bring money for the war."

"I have some," Qin Feng said, taking the money with a smile and then whispering to Xiao Ya, "Tomorrow's travel expenses."

During dinner, Qin Feng asked, "Did you see Zhong Yuanjie when you were looking for us?"

Lu Yuan paused. "The fat guy who's always with you?"

"Yes, that's him."

"No, I didn't see him," Lu Yuan shook his head. "What happened to him? Did he get separated from you guys?"

"No, he crashed before us," Qin Feng said.

"Then it's troublesome. With no news for so many days, it's probably bad news," Lu Yuan said.

The two looked visibly upset. Lu Yuan continued, "But don't worry too much. Maybe he's already returned to the air defense zone, or like you guys, he's been rescued."

Qin Feng sighed. "Let's hope so."

The next day, Qin Feng and Xiao Ya, with the money Lu Yuan gave them, excitedly went shopping.

They shopped all day, from morning till evening, buying many things, most of which Xiao Ya liked. She smiled happily. "Let's go back to the hospital."

Just as they were about to enter the hospital, they suddenly heard an alarm outside: [Attention, marauder invasion! Attention...]

Followed by several muffled sounds, as if giant rocks were falling or buildings collapsing, even the ground trembled!

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