Part 17

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Environmental anomalies, climate anomalies, abnormal solar activity, greenhouse effect causing polar ice caps to melt, rapidly decreasing sea temperatures, global average temperature dropping below 20°C, and continuing to decline...

Rivers and lakes are drying up, with less than 1% of drinkable fresh water available. Acid rain is frequent, sandstorms rage, and a large number of animals and plants are dying, leading to a sharp decrease in agricultural output...

One piece of bad news after another, everyone realizes that even if the aliens no longer launch attacks, there isn't much time left for them in this world.

Saitan Calendar: January 10th, 2734.

Today is the day when the one hundred Arcadia-class colonization ships set sail, carrying two hundred thousand people to their new home 56 million kilometers away.

According to the latest data from the "Universal Research Headquarters," at this moment, the Arcadia Star is approaching the Saitan Star at a speed of 3 kilometers per second and will intersect with the Saitan Star within 12 hours. The shortest distance between the two stars at the time of intersection is approximately 56 million kilometers. When the two stars intersect, it will take the colonization ships about a month to reach the Arcadia Star, perhaps even faster.

This intersection will take about twenty days, which is the best time to land on the Arcadia Star.

Twenty days later, the distance between the two stars will be about 65 million kilometers, and it won't be easy to catch up with this planet again. There are many reasons for this, including fuel, food, and the speed of the Arcadia-class colonization ships, which are not enough to catch up with a planet whose natural orbital speed is 3 kilometers per second.

In short, missing this intersection period means waiting for another two years for the next intersection!

Therefore, the United Coalition decided to send an additional two hundred Arcadia-class ships within twenty days, totaling three hundred colonization ships, estimated to send away 600,000 people!

When the one hundred colonization ships lifted off simultaneously from various parts of the world, Qin Feng felt the ground trembling and saw several gigantic objects slowly rising from the distant horizon, trailing long flames breaking through the clouds...

The space carriers used tremendous thrust to push the Arcadia ships out of the atmosphere, through the Shield Mountain defense shield, freeing them from the gravitational pull of the Saitan Star and placing them into the predetermined orbit. The entire process took no more than 10 minutes.

The Arcadia ships need to orbit around the Saitan Star for half a week on the predetermined orbit, adjusting their posture and correcting their orientation. This process takes about 20 minutes, then they start the main engines to quickly leave the orbit of the Saitan Star and accelerate to the Arcadia Star.

Despite such a spectacular scene, Qin Feng watched it in the 'Skyscreen' live simulation broadcast. He didn't go to the scene, simply because Lu Yuan was there.

Ruan Xiaoyu, Lu Yuan, Xiao Ya, and Zhong Yuanjie, the four of them went to the scene.

For some reason, Qin Feng increasingly didn't want to see Lu Yuan now, especially when he was with Xiao Ya.

Shortly after the one hundred colonization ships carrying 200,000 people had just set sail, the "Universal Research Headquarters" urgently announced a piece of news: abnormal solar activity was observed, with violent fluctuations in local solar flares. It was preliminarily suspected that this might be related to the invaders' fleet absorbing solar energy.

Just two minutes ago, a supermassive solar storm was ejected from the surface of the sun at a speed of 760 kilometers per second, expected to arrive near the Saitan Star in 3 to 4 days!

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