Part 58

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The bunker had no other defenses besides the dome, as the United Coalition never anticipated marauders attacking it during construction.

Now that the dome was breached, the people inside the bunker had no chance to fight back. They became like lambs to the slaughter.

It was a massacre! Laser beams crisscrossed the area, mixed with the screams of countless people. It was like hell on earth, and Xiao Ya was terrified.

Qin Feng shielded her, constantly comforting her, but to no avail. She just screamed with her head in her hands.

Heavy objects fell sporadically around them, whether from marauders or debris, it was dangerous to stay here. Their survival until now was purely due to luck; otherwise, they would have been crushed or trampled to death long ago. The item Lu Yuan threw to them before his death must be crucial.

"The starter!"

Qin Feng glanced down and indeed saw the helicopter's starter.

"Hurry, hurry, let's run! We have the starter, the helicopter is outside," Xiao Ya said.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly stopped, perplexing Xiao Ya. "Why did you stop?"

The elevator area was already packed with people, making it impossible to squeeze through.

They were too late... After waiting for who knows how long, the queue ahead still didn't move forward. Some people shouted and rushed forward, while others couldn't wait and cut in line.

Curses, discussions, explosions, and even fights mingled together. Everyone scrambled to the elevator in a desperate attempt to survive. Little did they know, was it safe outside? Not necessarily, it might be even more dangerous.

Since marauders had invaded the bunker, it meant the surface had completely fallen. Now, there was no safe place on Titan except for the aerial defense zone in Silver City...

The marauders wreaked havoc in the bunker, and everyone could only watch as their homes turned into ruins. Perhaps soon, this place would become an underground tomb rather than the home everyone relied on for survival.

Titan's last stronghold had fallen. Where else could they go?

Various noises grew closer to the elevator—the marauders were coming! Many people couldn't bear the pressure and chose to run out. Instead of waiting to die at the elevator, it was better to return to the bunker for a chance at survival. After all, the bunker was vast, and marauders couldn't search every corner—at least not yet.

But they were wrong; marauders searching every corner was inevitable, just a matter of time.

As they left, they gave the remaining people a chance, and the queue speed noticeably increased.

"Thank them, thank them for leaving, thank them for their selflessness that saved us," Qin Feng said.

Xiao Ya rolled her eyes at him. "Don't speak too soon; remember, we're still in the bunker."

"We will definitely make it out," Qin Feng replied.

Fifteen minutes later, they finally emerged.

But the outside world was not what they had seen before. Although it was deep into the night, several huge lights illuminated the area as bright as day.

These lights weren't human-made but came from outer space—the lights from the marauder's interstellar mothership! It was so glaring that they couldn't even look up directly at the lights.

"Where's the helicopter?" Xiao Ya asked.

"How would I know? Let's search," Qin Feng replied.

Everyone who emerged from the bunker scattered in different directions. No one knew where they were going on this planet no longer suitable for human habitation. Where else could they go?

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