Part 14

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Today, another day of raging sandstorms, with fierce winds sweeping yellow sand across the sky from morning till evening, and the wind showed no sign of weakening.

However, even in such adverse weather, the marine corps did not cancel their training. They resolutely trained throughout the storm all day, fortunately without any rain.

Everyone was afraid of rain because ever since the last large-scale alien attack over four years ago, whenever it rained, it was basically acid rain. Coupled with the use of large defense equipment like Shield Mountain and particle beam laser cannons, it exacerbated the destruction of the ecological environment, making acid rain phenomena increasingly severe.

The greenhouse effect caused the rapid melting and evaporation of polar ice caps, and it was common for some rivers and lakes to dry up overnight. Forest vegetation gradually withered, animals suffered mass deaths, and crop yields plummeted.

According to calculations, if things continued like this, even if the aliens didn't launch another attack, the animals on Saitan Star would be extinct within 3 to 5 years due to lack of food and suitable living conditions! Humans would also starve to death within 8 to 10 years due to lack of food!

After a whole day of training, Qin Feng was exhausted, his limbs weak. When he returned to the dormitory, he didn't want to deal with anything and just wanted to collapse on the bed and not get up again. But unfortunately, his body was too dirty, so he reluctantly walked into the bathroom.

Looking at himself in the mirror was somewhat comical. Except for the area around his eyes, which was white, every other part of him was covered in yellow... A thick layer of fine sand mixed with sweat stuck to his skin, making him uncomfortable. He didn't know how much dirt he had ingested throughout the day.

Turning on the shower, a warm stream spread from head to toe, seemingly instantly dispelling all fatigue.

Ten minutes later, Qin Feng walked out of the bathroom, only to suddenly see someone sitting on his bed, startling him.

Zhong Yuanjie smiled at him and continued eating the bowl of noodles in his hand.

"Why didn't you say something when you came in? You scared me!" Qin Feng asked, staring.

"I did say something. You didn't hear me," Zhong Yuanjie replied.

Qin Feng rolled his eyes at him. "After eating dirt all day, you're still eating?"

"That's different. I'm hungry."

"Why didn't you bring me a bowl?"

"I did."

Qin Feng looked around. "Where is it?"

Zhong Yuanjie nodded towards the trash can next to him. "When you were still in the shower, I was sitting here waiting for you. After finishing one bowl, I found... one bowl wasn't enough."


"Better to be stuffed than starved," Zhong Yuanjie said leisurely. "Haven't you heard? We're all going to starve to death within ten years due to lack of food! So it's better to eat more now..."

"Screw you! They're just a bunch of liars!"

He blinked and said, "Whether what they say is true or not, I don't care. I just know that if we can't live that long, then I'd better eat more now. Otherwise, if I die one day, won't that be a big loss?"

Suddenly Qin Feng felt he made sense! He turned around and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Zhong Yuanjie asked.

"To the cafeteria!"

"Sigh! Wait for me!" He put down the bowl in his hand and muttered, "I'm still a bit hungry." Then he followed.

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