Part 26

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Under the plunderer's watchful gaze, slipping unnoticed behind it, even with just one person, was no easy feat, let alone with a dozen or so people.

So Qin Feng and the others moved slowly and cautiously, fearing that any inadvertent movement might catch its attention.

Attack-type plunderers were highly observant of their surroundings. Despite their large size, they were anything but slow-witted; their reaction speed was beyond imagination.

In addition to vision and hearing, they possessed extremely acute senses (whether they had a sense of smell remained unclear). Even if a tiny insect passed by them, they would immediately detect it.

Although "Cosmic Research Total" had not yet fully understood where their sensory organs were located or by what means they sensed and identified their surroundings.

One thing was certain, though: they partly sensed through life signs. But neither similar detection devices nor organ-like structures had been found on or within them.

It was like an innate ability for them, a survival condition essential for a race that preyed on and lived off plunder!

They roamed between various galaxies, they were the hunters of the universe, the interstellar plunderers, creating a super civilization spanning across universes and galaxies!

Then, who created them?

This thought sent shivers down one's spine...

In such a vastly disparate situation, it had to be said that Qin Feng and the others' approach was very dangerous. Once spotted, casualties were inevitable, and there was even the possibility of total annihilation.

To avoid any accidents, Qin Feng arranged for several people to circle around from behind the buildings, while he and a few others stealthily made their way through the buildings.

With the personnel dispersed, this could effectively prevent the simultaneous annihilation of a dozen or so people in case of an accident.

The process went relatively smoothly; it seemed they had not been detected by the plunderer.

Just when they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, a beam of light suddenly shot toward them without warning!

"Watch out!" Qin Feng shouted, throwing himself to the ground. At the same time, there was a deafening boom!

No one dared to get up at this moment. Qin Feng lay on the ground, brushing off the dust in front of him, frowning. "Is anyone injured?"

Before anyone could answer, another deafening boom sounded! Startled, Qin Feng quickly protected his head.

This action was a reflexive response born out of human instinct. Even though he knew that protecting his head would be of no use, he still reflexively did so.

It seemed that they had successfully attracted the attention of the plunderer. The next step was to find a sturdy cover to hide behind and try to draw all its firepower.

But Qin Feng looked around, where could they find sturdy cover? Apart from a few dilapidated cars, there were only the buildings on either side of the street, most of which had collapsed, making it difficult to find even a intact wall...

"Over there." Zhong Yuanjie pointed to a relatively intact building not far away.

Qin Feng glanced over and shook his head. "Let's go."

It was more like crawling than walking for them, as they dared not stand up at all and could only advance by crawling.

Taking cover behind the building, Qin Feng counted the number of people. He found that out of the initial 17 people he brought, only 12 remained.

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