Part 57

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The marauders are attacking the bunker!

The two exchanged astonished looks and immediately made a motion to run outside. But as they pushed open the door, they collided head-on with Lu Yuan, causing them to feel dizzy.

After regaining their senses, Lu Yuan exclaimed, "Did you hear that? The marauders are attacking the bunker!" People in the corridor were running out, and the three followed suit.

From the moment the alarm sounded, chaos reigned outside. Overhead came the continuous booming sounds, with large objects falling from above.

To avoid being hit, the three didn't rush out immediately. Instead, they stood at the hospital entrance, observing and searching for the best escape route.

People rushing out ahead were occasionally hit by falling debris, emitting miserable screams...

"The dome of the bunker is made of titanium alloy with a layer of concrete several meters thick. It shouldn't be easy to breach, but we need to hurry before the elevators are destroyed," Lu Yuan said.

"We know we need to hurry, but how do we go? Which way?" Qin Feng asked.

He looked around and pointed to a distant bridge. "That way!"

The two's eyes lit up. A bridge was a good thing. It could not only provide shelter and passage but also shield them from falling objects in times of danger.

At least that's what Qin Feng thought, as the bridge had saved him more than once.

This time was no exception. Whether they could survive and leave here alive depended on the bridge's durability.

Immediately, the three ran towards the bridge with all their might. The process was thrilling, as they narrowly avoided being hit by huge debris falling from above several times!

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan was struck by a piece of concrete the size of a head, hitting his shoulder. He grunted and fell to the ground.

The two who were running ahead ran back to help him, only to find his right shoulder collapsed, and his right arm completely numb.

It could be imagined how much force the piece of concrete, falling from hundreds of meters high, possessed!

Lu Yuan was seriously injured, but he remained rational. With the help of the two, he managed to stand up, gritting his teeth and continuing to run towards the bridge.

A giant rock fell beside the three, the sound deafening, and a layer of dust rose, causing them to break out in a cold sweat. If the rock had veered a bit, they would have been turned into meat patties.

"Don't just stand there, run!" Lu Yuan shouted.

Arriving under the bridge, the two helped him sit on the ground and examined his injuries, asking, "How are you?"

"I won't die," he said, his face contorted in pain. More and more people sought refuge under the bridge, and it gradually became crowded.

Under the bridge was the safest place, but also the most dangerous. Once the bridge collapsed, they wouldn't even have a chance to run.

Qin Feng remained calm in the face of danger, carefully observing his surroundings. He then saw a building across the street that seemed intact. Even if concrete debris fell, it wouldn't collapse.

Compared to their current location, it was much safer over there. Without hesitation, Qin Feng, ignoring Lu Yuan's miserable cries, pulled him up and said, "Let's go!"

As expected, just as they entered the building, there was a loud "boom" from behind!

The bridge—collapsed! Through the huge glass door, they saw people outside desperately fleeing, their cries mixed with the sound of heavy objects landing, chaos engulfing everything...

Just as he reached out to pull Lu Yuan, suddenly, the sound of glass breaking came, and a marauder broke through the door!

Qin Feng was shocked! It was an attacking marauder!

Xiao Ya was directly stunned, standing still and staring at the colossal creature.

"Run!" Qin Feng shouted.

But she didn't react at all, as if she hadn't heard.

She was closest to the door, and the marauder lunged towards her!

Before Qin Feng could react, Lu Yuan, who had somehow stood up, pushed Qin Feng aside and ran towards Xiao Ya.

Just as the marauder's gigantic scythe-like weapon was about to pierce Xiao Ya's abdomen, he pushed her aside in an instant. The giant scythe pierced through Lu Yuan's chest in the next moment, blood spewing out! The marauder lifted Lu Yuan high, seeming to threaten and celebrate catching its prey.

But Lu Yuan wasn't dead. He struggled to pull something out of his pocket and, using his last bit of strength, threw it to the two, shouting, "Run!"

Everything happened too fast, and the two didn't have time to think. They picked up what he threw and ran.

The marauder let out a strange cry and pulled...

Qin Feng and Xiao Ya didn't dare to look back, but they could clearly hear the sound of muscle tissue tearing, sending shivers down their spines.

Running out of the other door of the building, the two were still in shock. The surroundings were enveloped in thick smoke, explosions and screams echoing, corpses littering the ground, a terrifying sight!

Now they didn't care whether it was safe or not, because there was no safe place here. So they simply ran towards the direction of the elevator.

In the smoke, an intense beam of light flashed from time to time—that was the marauder's laser weapon.

They didn't know how many marauders had broken in, but judging from the density of the beams, there were probably many.

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