Part 65

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Li Hongyue didn't know when he came up behind Qin Feng and patted his shoulder, asking, "What do you think?" Qin Feng replied, "The temperature of nuclear fusion is too high for ordinary metals to withstand. As for ideas, I do have one."

Li nodded, "Go on, tell me."

Qin Feng said, "The engine route is definitely not feasible. We have limited time and resources. Actually, the idea of installing engines itself carries significant risks. Just a slight mistake, and the space station may never reach Bistellia."

Li nodded again, "Continue, tell me your idea."

"My idea is a bit crazy."

"Crazier than this engine?" He pointed at the screen.

"Not necessarily," Qin Feng replied. "Do you really want to hear it?"

Li Hongyue encouraged, "Go ahead, just consider it a chat. Since the engine failed, it doesn't hurt to share ideas. I just want to know your thoughts; who knows, they might come in handy."

"You seem to trust me."

"Just a hunch."

Qin Feng then said three words: "Thermonuclear bombs."

Li Hongyue was taken aback, "You want to blow up the space station?"

"No," Qin Feng shook his head, asking, "What is the outer shell of the space station made of?"

"Um..." he thought for a moment, "I heard it's a metal called 'chromium.'"

"Can it withstand the impact of meteorite collisions?"


"Then, there's no problem," Qin Feng said. "Place a large number of thermonuclear bombs on one side of the space station. The nuclear explosion generates thrust to push the space station out of Saitan's orbit."

Li Hongyue's expression showed slight surprise, "That's indeed a crazy idea."

Qin Feng shrugged, "But it's effective. With our current technological level, it's entirely achievable." "After pushing the space station out of orbit?" he asked.

Qin Feng continued, "Keep exploding! Continuous explosions, reaching a certain velocity, then coasting, and then another explosion. Eventually, we'll definitely reach Bistellia."

At his words, Li Hongyue drew a sharp breath, "How many nuclear bombs would that require?"

"Um..." Qin Feng hesitated, "Considering steering and attitude adjustments, probably around five million. That should be enough."

"Five million thermonuclear bombs!" he exclaimed in astonishment.

Qin Feng enjoyed seeing his surprised expression and continued, "And the dust on the outer shell of the space station must be several kilometers thick, right?"

"Not just dust, but also rocks and frozen soil."

"Even better," Qin Feng said. "Bury a large number of nuclear bombs on one side of the space station. Every kilometer deep, bury a layer, bury several layers, bury it seven or eight layers deep, the more, the better."

After a pause, he continued, "As for the burial density... well... it doesn't really matter. Just bury them randomly. With each layer exploding one by one, the force is enough to completely lift the bottom layer of rocks above! With almost no gravity on the space station, the rocks blasted off will quickly leave the space station, rushing into space, thereby generating tremendous thrust on the space station itself."

"I don't know how big this thrust is; it needs precise calculations." Qin Feng shrugged, "But this thrust definitely won't be small. Because if a certain number of nuclear bombs explode at intervals, then this chain reaction is equivalent to installing many powerful engines on the space station!"

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