Part 37

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Date: August 25, 2734, on the planet Saitan.

Over the past month, Saitan and its inhabitants have experienced an unprecedented catastrophe.

Reports indicate that as of 6:30 AM this morning, a total of 102 cities worldwide have been invaded by marauders, including 65 relatively large cities such as Silver City... and 17 Marine Corps bases have been destroyed, all reduced to ruins.

According to statistics, the northern hemisphere is the hardest-hit region, with nearly half of its population sharply reduced within just one month due to the combined effects of annihilation and marauders! The global population has decreased by over a quarter! The casualties are unprecedented...

The Saiitan people are forced to face the most severe existential crisis in history!

The United Government orders—everyone to move underground!

As a result, the shortage of food and water resources has become the focus of debate. The prophecy that humanity will perish from starvation within ten years seems to have been validated, and even accelerated...

The highest leader of the United Government said, "There's no need to worry, there will definitely be enough food to eat, I can assure you... What everyone needs to worry about now is that Shield Mountain has been restored, but the extraterrestrial invaders are still on the ground... We should unite and bravely resist the enemy!"

A journalist in the audience asked, "How many marauders are still on the ground now?"

The leader replied, "Conservatively estimated, there are no fewer than one hundred!"

Journalist: "Where are they now?"

Leader: "All over the world, and some of them are right here in our Silver City."

Journalist: "Are they offensive or defensive types?"

Leader: "Both."

Journalist: "Is it safe inside the bunkers? Will they come in?"

Leader: "Don't worry, they're too fat, they'll get stuck in the elevator shafts easily."

There was laughter in the audience...

Another journalist stood up and asked, "How is our Beyond Plan going? When can it be restarted?"

Leader: "This question hits the nail on the head. I believe everyone is silently concerned about this at the moment."

There was silence in the audience, and he continued, "Please rest assured, trust the United Government. So far, all plans have been proceeding smoothly. It won't be long before everyone can go to the Beyond Star."

There was a burst of cheers from the audience. The journalist asked, "Since the surface has been so severely damaged, what about the remaining Beyond ships now?"

Leader: "Rest assured, they are all intact and have been placed in a safe location."

Journalist: "Where?"

Leader: "It's not convenient to disclose that for now, but everyone will be notified in due time."

The journalist sat down, and another journalist stood up and asked, "May I ask, how confident are you in winning this war?"

Leader: "One hundred percent!"

Indeed, a few months later, the remaining marauders on the ground were completely eradicated, and one was even captured alive, but the cost was devastating...

The United Government built a special prison for it, to provide researchers with research, and also announced, "Restart the Beyond Plan!"

The extraterrestrial mothership in the sky withdrew, and the people of Saitan once again won the victory. Returning to the light, but they did not show much excitement because the sun cannot be seen in the bunkers.

In the evening, Qin Feng stood at the window of the dormitory corridor, silently gazing at the night sky.

Xiaoya walked over and asked him, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh! Nothing, just looking around."

Xiaoya: "How's training going lately? Still afraid of heights?"

"Doing okay... Still trying to overcome it."

"Didn't Xiaojie teach you a trick? Don't look down."

"The more I don't look, the more scared I get..."

Xiaoya smiled. "Just don't think about it."

Qin Feng nodded. "I'll try my best."

After a while, Qin Feng said, "Why do you think they left?"

"Are you referring to... the extraterrestrial mothership?"


"Maybe they knew they had failed."

"They're not stupid, they definitely know they failed," Qin Feng said. "What I mean is, they could have easily destroyed us without much effort. But why didn't they do that? Instead, they chose a method that not only caused them casualties but also took time and effort?"

"What's the point? They didn't completely destroy our planet in one fell swoop, and you're still disappointed?"

"It's not disappointment, it's puzzlement. It doesn't make sense."

Xiaoya thought about it and shrugged. "Who cares why? Bad guys always talk too much and end up getting killed in the end..."

"Are you two flirting again?" Zhong Yuanjie appeared behind them at some point, startling both of them!

"You scared me to death, are you doing it on purpose?" Xiaoya patted her chest. "Oh, by the way! I heard the Beyond Plan is going to restart. Are you two interested in trying to get tickets and go to Beyond Star together?" he said.

They glanced at each other, Qin Feng said, "It's so easy to get tickets? The number is limited, we don't even stand a chance."

Zhong Yuanjie said, "There are always more ways than difficulties. How do you know if you don't try?"

Qin Feng asked, "How do we try?"

He looked at Xiaoya with a mischievous smile. "Then let's see if she's willing to use her charm. We can't get tickets, but she definitely can!"

Qin Feng frowned. "Liu Yuan?"

"That's right!" He snapped his fingers. "That guy is interested in Xiaoya. As long as it's a request from Xiaoya, he'll definitely agree."

Qin Feng said, "Let's forget it then, not going is fine."

Zhong Yuanjie said, "I was just kidding, Xiaoya, don't mind. After all, this is the only way for both of you to survive..."

Xiaoya smiled slightly to indicate that she didn't mind.

Qin Feng asked, "What about you?"

Zhong Yuanjie looked out the window, took a deep breath, and smiled. "Me? I never planned to leave here in the first place."

Qin Feng also smiled. "Funny, we never planned to leave here either."

Zhong Yuanjie said, "Then we'll stay here forever! Until we kill all the marauders, or until the marauders kill us all!"

Qin Feng nodded. "Agreed!"

Zhong Yuanjie said, "Agreed!"

Xiaoya stood silently on the side the whole time.

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