Part 24

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"Warning! Shield Mountain is under photon flow impact! Shield Mountain is about to overload, and local fractures have appeared. Please repair immediately!"

Under the relentless bombardment of the alien mothership, Shield Mountain could only hold on for a short time, less than ten minutes.

Before long, Shield Mountain was breached, and the Sky Net sequence suffered heavy damage.

The sky was torn open like a giant interstellar portal. Countless plunderers swarmed in like a tide, unstoppable!

Particle beam laser cannons and countless fighter jets concentrated their firepower, aiming directly at the mouth of the 'hole'! It was a dazzling sight to behold.

Countless plunderer corpses plummeted rapidly from the high altitude, crashing heavily onto the ground! Even if they weren't killed by the attacks, they died from the fall. Some struggled briefly before falling silent.

Having learned from their previous experience, the tactics of the Saitanians were more refined this time. Instead of blindly bombarding and panicking, they defended with organization, formation, and order.

All fighter jets hid behind drones, forming a surrounding formation at the 'hole' to intercept each incoming attacker!

Seeing this, the plunderers suddenly stopped their attack. Perhaps they realized that such a method was disadvantageous and no different from handing themselves over on a platter?

The tactic of overwhelming numbers was ineffective, and the outcome was limited to two possibilities: either the Saitanians ran out of resources and succumbed, or the plunderers suffered heavy losses, winning at the cost of excessive casualties, which seemed meaningless.

They clearly underestimated the overall strength of the Saitanians, viewing them as inferior beings.

With ants in abundance, what chance did they stand, especially against humans?

Their excessive confidence led to a round of painful consequences.

But if anyone thought they would retreat after this, they were sorely mistaken.

How could they bow down to a group of small fries?

The recent attack was a slap in the face, and they wouldn't give the Saitanians a chance to catch their breath. They immediately changed tactics.

The mothership released countless small warships, encircling the Saitan Star from all directions and launching attacks simultaneously from various locations around the globe!

For a while, global alarms continued, and the United Coalition was in a frenzy.

"Multiple breaches detected in Shield Mountains across various regions, severe energy deficiency, unable to repair!"

Just when they thought they had narrowly won a victory, the real war had only just begun!

Fighter jets began to scatter in all directions, and the 150,000 particle beam laser cannons each focused on their respective areas.

The situation became chaotic for a while, even though the commanders of each region were trying their best to control it, reports of plunderer invasions continued to pour in from all over the world.

The United Coalition was busy and chaotic, and the headquarters was bustling with noise, unable to discern who was saying what.

The team where Qin Feng belonged received a mission to walk to District 1, searching for and escorting civilians who had not yet evacuated safely to the bunkers along the way.

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