Part 44

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After the one hundred and ninety-nine colony ships ascended into space, the United Coalition Government announced again: the next batch of Arks would set sail in one week, with an initial estimate of two hundred ships.

"So soon!" Zhong Yuanjie exclaimed.

Qin Feng: "It seems they are in a hurry."

Zhong Yuanjie: "One week, isn't the time a bit tight? It's probably not easy to gather four hundred thousand people in one week."

Qin Feng shrugged: "Why do you care so much? Didn't I tell you that the personnel have already been decided? Maybe they're already packing their bags."

"Um... without us, it's not happy..." Xiaoya said.

Just then, a space probe near the sun sent back an alert: [Large fleet of marauders detected heading towards Saitan! Expected to arrive in 3 minutes.]

Everyone was stunned. How could this be so coincidental? The marauders came just after the Arks were launched! Could it be that they had been observing Saitan's every move all along?

But now was not the time to think about these things. The United Coalition Government urgently notified ground personnel to evacuate, and the Cosmic Research Headquarters immediately contacted the one hundred and ninety-nine colony fleet, demanding an immediate return.

But it was too late. Most of the fleet had already left Saitan's orbit, and they definitely couldn't return within three minutes.

In a desperate situation, the United Coalition Government ordered them to accelerate away, to run as fast as they could in the hope that the marauders weren't after them.

But upon second thought, it didn't seem right. If the marauders weren't after them, then they must be after Saitan! No, it's better to hope the marauders are going after them...

The one hundred plus colony ships became bait, and only a few of them safely returned within three minutes.

Everyone ran towards the bunkers in a chaotic scene...

"Three minutes! It only takes three minutes from the sun to here! Faster than the speed of light!" Zhong Yuanjie said as he ran.

Qin Feng: "Three minutes... equivalent to four times the speed of light!"

Xiaoya: "Never mind how many times the speed of light... hurry up and get in the car!"

The three of them quickly drove off towards the air defense zone!

Zhong Yuanjie kept looking at his watch, calculating the time, making the other two nervous.

"Ah, why bother looking at it? We definitely can't make it to the air defense zone in three minutes," Qin Feng said.

"I'm not calculating whether we can make it to the air defense zone. I'm checking if the United Coalition Government's calculations are accurate. It's over 200 million kilometers from the sun here. How could they arrive in three minutes? That's just too unbelievable..."

The two rolled their eyes simultaneously.

Xiaoya drove the car at a flying pace, as if it could sprout wings and fly. What was originally a twenty-minute journey, they arrived in ten.

After getting out of the car, Zhong Yuanjie looked up at the sky: "Nothing's happening~ Didn't they say three minutes?"

Qin Feng: "Maybe they've already arrived, but the target isn't us."

Xiaoya: "Let's go."

The three ran towards the command center.

Inside the command building, people were rushing around, each with an anxious look on their face.

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