Part 33

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The tunnel was filled with a chilly breeze, causing everyone to shiver involuntarily.

After observing the surroundings, the three took out the map and compass to compare directions and routes.

The most worrying thing happened: Xiaoya took out her phone to search for navigation, only to find that there was no signal inside the tunnel.

They had no choice but to rely entirely on the deep rail route map.

However, disagreements arose from the start. Xiaoya suggested going one way, while Zhong Yuanjie insisted on going the other way. Qin Feng frowned as he looked at the route map, thinking, 'I should have asked the maintenance worker earlier...'

Xiaoya: "Shouldn't we go back to the platform to see who's right?"

Zhong Yuanjie: "Let's just go. Who's right, who gets a pat on the back? I have a great sense of direction, I'll tell you."

As they were about to go back, Qin Feng stopped them and said, "This way." He pointed in the direction Xiaoya had suggested earlier.

"How do you know?" they both asked simultaneously.

"I'm not as dumb as you two," Qin Feng said before walking in the direction he indicated.

The two exchanged a glance. Xiaoya said, "Did he just call us dumb?"

Zhong Yuanjie nodded. In the depths of the tunnel, the beams of three flashlights swayed around, with one beam swinging the most, which belonged to Xiaoya.

In the pitch-black, enclosed environment, fear inevitably crept in, and her heart pounded.

"Hey, can you stop swinging that? You're making me dizzy," Zhong Yuanjie said.

"I hear a noise..." Xiaoya said.

Zhong Yuanjie: "What noise?"

Xiaoya: "I don't know, but I don't feel at ease. Let's just hurry up."

Zhong Yuanjie: "Don't scare yourself like this. Why didn't I hear anything?"

Xiaoya: "Listen carefully..."

Zhong Yuanjie listened intently. "It does sound like there's something!"

Qin Feng: "That's just the sound of the tracks expanding and contracting due to heat or the walls oxidizing. Stop being so paranoid, both of you, it's making everyone uneasy."

Zhong Yuanjie: "Oh... It could also be the echo of our own voices." To test his theory, he deliberately shouted "Ah!" loudly, startling the other two.

The sound echoed in the tunnel, disappearing into the darkness.

Before Qin Feng could recover, Xiaoya screamed loudly again!

Qin Feng, startled twice in a row, nearly went into shock. He patted his chest and said irritably, "What's wrong with you two? Will you ever stop?"

"There, there's something over there..." Xiaoya said weakly.

The two followed the beam of her flashlight and saw several large rats gnawing on something by the wall.

Terrified, Xiaoya hid behind the two.

Zhong Yuanjie stomped his feet in an attempt to scare them away, but they remained unfazed, ignoring him completely. Two of the more aggressive ones even bared their teeth at him.

"Oh my goodness, are rats not afraid of humans these days?"

Xiaoya, originally frightened, couldn't help but laugh at the scene.

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