Part 68

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The airspace defense zone is underground.

Qin Feng arrived at the office and heard Xu Jia and Li Hongyue laughing inside. He frowned, wondering what was going on.

He knocked on the door, and Li Hongyue's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Qin Feng entered the room and saw the two of them looking serious, which puzzled him: 'Did I mishear something?'

Just as he was wondering, Xu Jia suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

Li Hongyue also smiled and said to Qin Feng, "Sit down."

Despite their laughter, Qin Feng felt even more nervous. He didn't know what these two were up to.

"We were just talking about some interesting things about you," Li Hongyue said. Qin Feng rolled his eyes and said with a straight face, "That's going too far."

The two stopped laughing. Li Hongyue continued, "We were just joking around. Don't take it too seriously. By the way, are your injuries all taken care of?"

Qin Feng moved his arm and said, "I'm fine."

Li Hongyue nodded. "That's good. You two must be tired. Go back and rest. Recharge your energy because we're setting off tomorrow. The journey will last for several months, which is tough for ordinary people."

"Setting off? Where to?" Xu Jia asked in confusion.

Li Hongyue replied, "Of course, we're going to Arc Star. Where else? Didn't Qin Feng tell you?"

At his words, Xu Jia looked at Qin Feng in astonishment and asked, "We're going to Arc Star?!"

Qin Feng nodded.

"Wow! That's great!" She exclaimed happily.

"Alright, go back and rest now," Li Hongyue said, waving his hand.

Back in their dormitory, Xu Jia took a shower first and then sat on the bed, asking, "What about your previous girlfriend?"

"You mean Xiaoya?" Qin Feng asked.

"Yes, that's the one," Xu Jia replied.

"She's no longer here, she sacrificed herself to save me..." Qin Feng said.

"Oh... I'm sorry," Xu Jia said.

"It's okay. Let's get some rest," Qin Feng replied.

Looking around, Xu Jia asked, "Are we going to sleep on this single bed tonight?"

"Uh..." Qin Feng had indeed forgotten about that. He scratched his head and said, "I'll go to another room and bring back another bed."

There were many empty rooms in the dormitory building, but after struggling for a while, he couldn't move the bed out because it was wider than the door. In the end, he only brought back a blanket, stubbornly deciding to sleep on the floor!

Xu Jia said, "Sleeping on the floor might make you catch a cold."

"It's okay, I like it cool. I can't sleep when it's too hot," he replied.

That night, Qin Feng did catch a cold, with a bad stomach... He ran to the bathroom three or four times, feeling weak in the legs...

Xu Jia said, "Why don't you come up here instead?"

So Qin Feng climbed onto the bed.

The next morning, Qin Feng woke up early and went to the cafeteria to get some food, as Xu Jia was still asleep.

Fortunately, the departure time for the Arc Star was set for this afternoon, close to dusk, so they had plenty of time to prepare.

Qin Feng packed everything into a backpack: a flashlight, a flower vase—everything he owned...

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