Part 28

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Mount Shield has suffered heavy damage, with over a hundred breaches globally, and countless marauders infiltrating the surface!

The United Coalition organizes emergency repairs with technicians from various regions, but due to insufficient energy, they cannot repair all breaches.

The highest leader says, "Find a solution! I don't care what method you use, just repair it as soon as possible!"

Technicians reply, "This is not a technical problem at all; technology cannot compensate for the lack of energy."

The highest leader insists, "Then increase the energy!"

Technicians explain, "Increasing energy output may easily destabilize Mount Shield, leading to a collapse effect with unimaginable consequences!"

The highest leader dismisses their concerns, stating, "I don't care about any collapse effect. All I know is, if we don't repair Mount Shield soon, the consequences will be truly unimaginable!"

Technicians protest, "But..."

The highest leader cuts them off, saying, "No 'buts.' Do as I say!"

The assistant next to the highest leader is asked, "What is a collapse effect?"

The assistant shakes their head.

Silver City is one of the cities most severely invaded by marauders. Within a few hours, over a dozen major cities worldwide have been severely damaged.

Streets are filled with smoke, and limbs are strewn about. Human and marauder corpses lie intertwined, amidst the wreckage of fighter jets and drones. Smoke billows, and flames rage.

Amidst the explosions, people's cries of anger, despair, and grief echo...

Even the end of the world wouldn't look much different; perhaps describing it as hell would be more fitting. At this moment, Saitan resembles nothing short of an earthly hell!

But it seems like something is missing...

Suddenly, the ground starts shaking violently, with plate fractures appearing in multiple locations simultaneously. With deafening rumblings, many people fall into crevices before realizing what's happening.

Qin Feng wakes up from his sleep, surrounded by blurry scenes due to the intense shaking.

"Damn! It's an earthquake!"

He rolls off the bed and crawls underneath for safety.

But then he realizes it might be safer under the table!

As he crawls out from under the bed, the shaking stops. At the same time, Xiaoya rushes in, panicked, and sees Qin Feng half under the bed. She first looks puzzled, then asks, "What are you doing?"

Qin Feng: "Uh... It seemed like... there was an earthquake. Did you feel it?"

Xiaoya nods, "Yeah... So why are you lying on the floor?"

Qin Feng thinks for a moment, then stands up, clapping his hands as if nothing happened, and says, "I was just trying to experience the tremors of the earth, but it's gone now. Anyway, why are you here?"

Xiaoya: "Uh... There was an earthquake."

Qin Feng nods, "Yes, there was. I know. And then?"

Xiaoya: "Um... Nothing." She turns and leaves.

Qin Feng has a habit of sleeping naked...

A few minutes later, everyone gathers in the square. A message appears on the central projection screen: [Due to the sharp increase in energy output from Mount Shield, annihilating effects have occurred to varying degrees worldwide. In severely affected regions, such as the northern hemisphere, there have been instances of road collapses and plate fractures. Casualty numbers are unknown... To prevent such tragedies from recurring, please refrain from leaving the bunker.]

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