Part 49

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"What... What's going on?" Qin Feng asked, bewildered.

"Come out," Luyuan replied.

Qin Feng glanced at Xiaoya, hesitated for a moment, and then said weakly, "Can't we talk about it here? We're all on the same side."

As Luyuan remained silent, Qin Feng started feeling uneasy, thinking, 'Is this guy here to challenge me to a duel because he heard something?'

Xiaoya said, "I'll leave you two alone." And with that, she walked out.

Luyuan sat on the bed and patted the space beside him, saying, "Sit."

After a moment, Luyuan spoke, "I think it's time to execute the plan."


"It's time for you to take the original sphere and leave Saitan."

"What?!" Qin Feng exclaimed, standing up abruptly. "So soon?!"

"We can't afford to wait any longer."

"But the outside is filled with raiders now. Are you asking me to go to my death?"

"Not now. I'm just here to inform you, to get you prepared."

He patted Qin Feng's shoulder and added, "Once the shield defense layer is revoked, do you know what it means for us?... It's a catastrophe! Hardly anyone will survive."

"What! Are you planning to revoke the shield defense layer?"

He nodded. "Sooner or later."


"Maybe in the next few days."


"Because based on the current output rate of the shield, it won't be long before even if we don't revoke it, the energy supply from 'Yuan' won't be enough to sustain the shield against the next wave of attacks. And once the energy of 'Yuan' is depleted, the consequences will be catastrophic, even the entire solar system will cease to exist."

Qin Feng fell into silence upon hearing this. He knew the consequences of the explosion of 'Yuan' were unimaginable.

After a while, he said cautiously, "Give me some time to prepare."

Luyuan nodded. "I'll leave now."

"Wait! I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"How did Xiaoya know about the original sphere? Didn't you say she didn't know?"

Luyuan smiled mysteriously and left Qin Feng perplexed with a cryptic remark before walking away.

He said, "Do you really think I'm letting you take the original sphere because I trust you? You're mistaken. I don't trust you, I don't even know you."

Qin Feng pondered over this statement for a long time but couldn't make sense of it. However, upon closer examination, he realized there might be something hidden between the lines.

Xiaoya knew about 'Yuan' and Luyuan didn't let him take the original sphere simply because he trusted him. So, who made the decision? It was likely Xiaoya!

Realizing this, Qin Feng rushed out of the room and knocked on Xiaoya's door, but there was no response.

"I need to ask you something."

Still no response.

He gently turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked, but Xiaoya wasn't in the room.

Where could she be?

He decided to find Luyuan and ask if Xiaoya had given him this opportunity, and if she was supposed to be the one taking the original sphere.

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