Chapter 74:

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A/N: IMPORTANT: This chapter WAS written before I posted Ch 73, so I already had this planned... your theories on what Harry was doing in Liverpool were very entertaining. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Eva's POV

Today is the day Harry is supposed to come back from Liverpool... I can't wait, since the house is utter chaos. The kids are running around the house yelling, because it's Friday and 'daddy' is coming home today. Luke is laying on the floor wiggling around, while I'm sitting on the couch folding laundry. Luke has been sleeping much better at night, but he is still waking up a few times during the night. I'm getting much more sleep, but I'm still slightly losing my mind.

Harry has been calling and texting me whenever he can, but I usually hand the phone over to the kids If they are home, so I don't have to talk to him. I know I'm probably overreacting, but I really need him to understand that he needs to help me with our kids. I can't do this alone, and doing it one night by himself isn't going to make up for the last two weeks.

"MUMMY!" Avery shouts, as she runs into the living room.

"Stop yelling," I tell her sternly.

"Sorry," she looks down at her feet.

"What did you need?" I ask her.

"When is daddy coming home?" she asks with wide, curious eyes.

"He'll be home for dinner," I tell her.

"Can I call him?" She asks.

I shrug and hand her my phone. She smiles and dials the number she's knows by heart.

"He didn't answer," she sighs.

"Text him, and tell him to call," I tell her.

"Okay," she nods and texts him, and then hand me my phone back.

"Ryan wants to know what's for lunch," she says.

"Chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries,"

"It'll be ready in fifteen minutes," I add.

"Okay," she smiles and rushes out of the room. I stand up and head to the kitchen to get the table set. By the time I'm done the food is just about ready so I call the kids down.

"Can we cook daddy his favorite meal for dinner?" Addie asks.

"Yeah, can we?" Ryan and Avery smile at the idea.

"Sure," I shrug. Harry is due home in four hours (we eat a late dinner on Friday's since Harry is usually home late on Fridays), so that should be enough time to cook.

I haven't really spoken to Harry since he's been gone... He calls my phone and I pretty much hand it right off to the kids. The only thing Harry and I talk about is Luke... He tries to talk to me, but I shoot him down right away!

"Yay!" They cheer, and start talking about cooking dinner.

I sit down to eat the salad I made myself for lunch when my phone begins to ring—I sigh and stand up, to grab it off the counter.

"Is that dad?" Avery asks.

"No it's Aunty Lacey," I tell her before I answer the phone.

"Hey babe,"

"I hate dad, he is so difficult! He won't let me go to dinner with Drew!" She yells into the phone, I hold the phone slightly away from my ear

"Hello to you as well," I laugh softly, and sit back at the table to eat my salad while she rants.

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