Chapter two ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved
Chapter two

                    At present time.
Drake heard a noise and got startled awake. He never fell back to sleep like that ever. The cold must be really getting to him. He had better get up and either get his blood pumping, or at least start a fire. This way he could be ready for the journey ahead.

Before he decided to get up and running around. He needed to see what that noise was. He was a wanted man for Christ-sakes. He had never imagined in his life he would ever be in this position. He did not have time to think about that right now. He had to see what that noise was.

He got up as slowly and as quietly as possible. He did not see anything at first. Then he saw a deer and a rabbit a few feet away. Both tucked behind a tree that looked to be on its last legs.

"Well, that was a good sign anyways." He thought allowed. If he got hungry enough all he would have to do is set up a trap and there's his next meal.

Before Drake had left for these woods. He had managed to go in and out of a nearby bar. One of his buddy's brother owned it. He figured he better go before word got out that he was a wanted man. That is where he got the extra clothes from. He had managed to talk Shawn, the manager, into letting him buy a few supplies. He told him he was on his way camping in the morning, and would be on the road before the stores opened. He also added that the ones that were open would be out of his way. Drake threw that comment in for good measure.

"I just forgot to grab some things from home." Drake said, leaning up against the bar. Hoping that was a good enough explanation. Hoping to ward off Shawn's questions. It seemed to work, because he didn't ask any.

"However, if your really against selling me this stuff. I can go back home to get it." He stated, sweating Shawn's answer. Shawn buckled under the pressure and let him have some jackets and sweatshirts. They were left behind and thrown in the office in the lost and found box to be forgotten about anyways.

Drake bought some coffee and filters. Shawn even made him a thermos to take with him. That was long gone awhile back though. Maybe he could find a stream. He could boil some water and make some more. He hated to use snow, but it would work just as well he supposed.

"First things first though." He thought. Right now Drake needed warmth, and he needed it fast. He had managed to gather as much wood as his heavy frozen legs would allow him too. Hopefully, it would not be too wet. That was a hard task to do at the moment. Finding dry wood. It was the middle of winter. With more storms on the way.

Drake spent around ten minutes trying to get a spark for his fire. He finally got a tiny flame. Which he managed to work up into a full blown fire.

"Aww!" He sighed. Now that was definitely some welcome warmth." He leaned back and surveyed the area. As much as he could see through the caves entrance anyways. Not really much to see.

A few fallen old dead trees. Which he was thankful for. That was his wood source. As cold and wet as it was. It was better than live wood any day. A few rabbit holes, dear tracks and a few old rusty beer cans. The normal debris you find in the woods.

Drake really couldn't see anything more past the trees. He was not even sure which direction he needed to go. However, his watch had a compass. He knew he had to go north. As long as he went north, he was going in the right direction. He was starting to get warm. He found himself yawning again. He knew he had a long way to go. Even though he did not quite know where exactly he had to go. He knew he had to get away from here.

Drake had been awake for quite sometime now. However, the dream he awoke from, left him fighting to forget it. They were his memories. He sat reminiscing for a few moments. Within seconds, a twinge pulled at his heart strings. Those memories would have to wait until later. He had things to do. He had to check a trap he set earlier. It was just with some string hanging on a small tree branch. He was hoping to catch some small critter he could cook up. Before starting on his journey.

If he was going to survive and remain strong. He would need his fuel. He had indeed caught a squirrel. He carried him back to his camp. Cleaned and cooked him the best he could. Drake found an old soup can. It didn't seem to badly rusted. He melted a tiny bit of snow in it. Just to make sure there was no holes in the can. There was no sign of leakage. So, Drake decided instead of snow, that he would use the icicles hanging from the top of the cave. The icicles would be cleaner than the snow on the ground. Even though he planned to boil it anyhow. He would use that to make his coffee with. He would be sure to fill his thermos too.

He ate the little meal he had. Than drank the rest of his coffee. It sure was not like home. However, it was better than nothing. He knew he better get moving. He needed to make some good distance while it's still light out. He knew he should probably be laying low during the day and moving at night. However, he had made it this far. He wasn't going to worry about that right now. He was kind of hesitant on leaving this cave though. He might not be so lucky up the road. At least here, it was dry, and sort of a roof over his head. He would leave a marker. If something should happen he would return here later.

He packed what little belongings he had. Took off through a trail that was already there. That is what was good about the woods. Neighborhood kids usually paved the way. He did not even know where he was exactly. All he knew was that he was still somewhere in Ohio. He had walked a good distance that first night. Tired and exhausted he doesn't even really remember finding this cave. He was still so confused and dazed from being hit in the head. He still don't know what it was that he got struck with. All he knows was it was enough to knock him out for a few hours. What he woke up to was horrifying and he just could not go there right now. A silent tear slid down his cheek at the thought of the scene on his living room floor.

Drake quickly focused on the task at hand. Which was to cover as much land as possible, without being seen. He thought about running for awhile. However, he thought better of that. He would tire easily in the cold. It would just be better to pace himself. He'd make a greater distance that way. It might take him a little longer. However, it would sure be better then faltering too soon.

Plus he had to still find a place to camp. At least while the light was shining. Or he would never find a halfway decent camp. He reached down and felt the flashlight he had taped to his leg. He felt bad for taking it from the bar. However, he was going to need it more then Shawn would. He was not going to use it foolishly however. He didn't know when he would ever get to a store. Plus, his name and picture was probably all over the news by now.

The only good thing about this storm. Was that most people were not out and about. Although you always seem to have your daredevils. Your crazy ass risk takers. Seems they just can't seem to pass up the chance at going out. It's like their brains cannot handle sitting idled at home. Their ready and willing to go risk the weather. That is probably because the weathers the most exciting thing around here.

Thanks! For reading. Continue on to next chapter. Please feel free to comment or rate. Any questions email and feel free to add me to your list.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon