Chapter Thirty eight ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

       Meanwhile back in the day

The next afternoon Sasha sat and watched him sleep. She had been up for about an hour already. For the first fifteen minutes she surveyed the room. It's like she wanted to etch this scene in her memory.

So that she would have something worth thinking about later when she was home in her own bed.

With the sound of his short breathes. The slight whistle as he breathed through his nose. She could not help but to smile. She even studied the position he was laying in.

After a few moments she shook her head to clear her mind. She was getting ridiculous. She was almost jealous of the way he wrapped himself around the pillow. What she wouldn't do for that to be her instead.

After a few moments she turned her attention towards the room. One of the first things she noticed was. Over on the right wall was his stereo that stood almost as tall as herself.

It was sitting catty corner facing his bed. It was black with both speakers sitting on either side of it. They too stood the same height as the stereo itself.

She couldn't see which album was hanging off of the corner of the top of it. There was cassette tapes in a holder sitting on the floor in between the system and the speaker. Actually there was four holders filled with tapes. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen so many tapes at once.

There was a big mirror in the middle of the wall. Just about the right height for everyone of them. Next to the mirror was the door on the right. The bed was straight ahead from the door. Taking up the duration of the room. Straight ahead from where she sat was his closet.

The door to the closet was open and it was the length of the room. You could stand in it and walk the length of the room. That is if the dresser wasn't in the way.

On the one side was the dresser. Just your standard wooden light brown shellacked finished dresser. On the other side variations of clothes hung on the hangers. At the bottom of the bed was her favorite outfit that he sometimes wears.

It was really nothing special but she liked the way it fit him. It was a black and red rock band long sleeve t shirt. With a black pair of jeans with the holes in his knees. So far she had yet to see any jeans that he owned that hadn't had any of those holes.

Hanging off of the corner of the dresser. Was the shirt she hated that he wore every so often. She grimaced every time she saw him in it.

It also was a rock band long sleeve t shirt. She didn't quite remember who it belonged to. But it was of a nun with her boobs hanging out.

Man! Did she hate that shirt. At first she couldn't place her finger on why. If it was the whole situation. She didn't know what it was. Now she knew she had to admit to herself that she was a tiny bit jealous that he'd wear another woman.

Maybe she should address that as he had addressed her sweatshirt.

His favorite outfit she isn't complaining about.

Drake woke up once again to Sasha staring at him. "Hi!" She said, as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Hi yourself." He said, putting his arm across his eyes. "It's kind of bright in here, don't you think?"

"Ummm no! Not at all." She reached over and lit them both a cigarette. Handed him one, and took a hit off of hers. "It's not light in here at all."

"I don't know what you're saying. You're speaking foreign to me right now. Wow! It so is light in here right now. Don't you get bored watching me sleep?" Taking a slow but long drag off of his smoke. Before she had a chance to answer his questions. He blew a train of smoke rings.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now