Chapter fifty four©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter fifty four
Meanwhile back in the day

Later on that night all the rest of the them went home. Sasha stayed at Drakes because she was still mad and didn't want to leave that way. That suited Drake just fine.

He lit some candles and put some soft music on. He leaned up against the head bored and so did she. He reached his hand across her lap but let it dangle in the air. Palm up he spread his fingers and waited. She left him hanging for a few seconds then entwined hers with his.

He let it rest on her lap. He rubbed her thumb with his thumb.

"Are you nervous?" She asked. As she looked down at the motion of his thumb.

"No! Why? Does that bother you?" He asked unfolding his fingers from around hers.

"No! Was just wondering." She said, not letting go of his.

"You gonna stay mad at me forever?" He asked.

"I'm not mad at you. It's just hard knowing someone else has a piece of what I want."

"Okay! I understand. Now that its okay? Good with you? Seriously though Sasha, if you don't want me to think about this. Then don't make me."

"That's fair." She said.

He turned over on his stomach and she rubbed his back. When she reached a certain spot he moved.

"Ticklish or what?" She asked.

"Or what." He said, "It hurts. Another long story. Why don't you turn over and I'll give you one?

She did and he rubbed her shoulders and her back. She bucked and giggled at certain spots because she was ticklish. Which as much as he understood it. It aggravated him. He knew she couldn't help it. But it interrupted his work. His flow of the situation. She laughed once more and he turned her over. She smiled up at him and her eyes shone with love and the flick of the candlelight.

He slowly reached down and grabbed her face between his hands. He kissed her slowly and gently. She was about to say something and he kissed her deeper. She must have lost her thought process. Because she didn't try again.

He kissed her once more with more power this time. Could feel the fierceness behind her tongue. He matches every stroke with hers. She was sweet, wet, hot and ready for him once more. He gently bit her lower lip and then sat up straight. He looked her in the eyes and she didn't look away. He liked that. Showed him she wasn't afraid to see him or show herself to him. She wasn't hiding anything.

She went to say something once more and he placed his finger over her mouth. He didn't trust those words at the moment.

"Are you alright? You want to stop? Does your question have anything to do with what we, you and I are doing right now?"

"No!" She said,

"Then don't ask me nothing." He said, smiling.

He bent back down and once again kissed her. She was like candy to him. He just couldn't seem to get enough. However, he stopped and let her follow through. This reassured him it was also what she wanted. Once she put her back, back on the bed. He followed her down there. He kissed her in a teasingly way. Half in and half out. Until she once more pulled herself off of the bed chasing his kiss. Once she reached a certain point. He reached his hand behind her back and kissed her neck. Back up to her lips then slowly, softly followed her jawline with tiny, wet kisses. Once again down her throat until he reached her chest. She sat up and he pulled her shirt and bra off. She grabbed them and threw them onto his desk chair.

Before either one of them knew what was happening they both were thrown into a world of bliss. She came forward off of the bed and he met her with his kiss. His nerve endings were on fire. But it was the best burn he'd ever felt.

A few months passed, then a few years. Everything seemed to be going as planned. They'd ran into a few rough patches. However, what couple don't? They only had one major argument that almost, but not quite threatened their relationship. They'd made it through it.

On February 14th at 2:45 pm they were pronounced to the world as Mr and Mrs Drake Davenport.

To be continued

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All rights reserved ©

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now