Chapter eight ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

                At present time

As Drake was walking, he saw an apartment building. He had decided he would try there to get some sleep. He tried the door and one needed a key to get into the building.

"Wasn't that just great?" He thought.

He walked to the back of the building. Saw a steal latter that was built into the back of the building. Probably for whoever maintained the building. He had his blanket and it was better and safer than sleeping on the ground. He would sleep on the roof. Who would be the wiser? Nobody would even think to look up there as long as he stayed towards the back he shouldn't be seen. He climbed up there and surveyed the land.

This was sure different than the woods. Noisy! He hadn't realized how noisy it was out on the streets. Those were once normal everyday noises. Tonight it sounded as if he was being blasted by bullhorns. Cars, trucks, fire trucks and birds. Horns being honked and all kinds of noises.

The building he was sitting on was made of red brick. Which he was surprised to see that there was no snow on the roof. Now that he sat up there he knew why. It actually felt warm underneath him. That was a great thing as he hasn't stopped anywhere to reheat his rocks. Without them he'd be sunk. He'd be frozen solid within hours. This roof being warm was definitely a blessing for him. The trees surrounded the building and he could see the street from where he lay. If nothing else he could count the cars until he fell asleep. However, he knew he wouldn't have to do that. Because he had better things to think about.

Like where this son of a bitch was that caused this shit. He wondered how long it would take him to get to this place. He was so tired and cold and tired of being cold. However, he couldn't give up. Not now, not ever. He was definitely going to find this man.

He sat up there until everything seemed to be pretty quiet. Then he left all of his stuff up there and climbed down so he could build a trap in the woods. He was going to need food sooner or later.

As he took his last step off of the latter he ran smack dab into a teenage kid, the kid was carrying a pizza and a six pack of beer. When he bumped into him the pizza went flying in one direction and the beer in the other.

"Son of a bitch. Do you know how hard it is for me to get that beer? You better hope their not all broke or you're buying me new ones."

The kid stood up and looked right in his face. Drake was pretty sure he looked as if he was a homeless dude.

"Man! Where did you come from, the sewer?" The kid asked.

"You should've watched where you were walking at." Was all Drake said as he walked away.

He was taking a big risk here, what if this kid had seen him on the news? Although he didn't look like the kind of kid who even watched the news.

He had on leather chaps and a leather jacket. A bandana wrapped around his head. Biker boots and he had gray eyes and black hair. He must of been the one riding the bike he heard a moment ago.

"Hey! Get back here." The kid yelled. "Alright, alright, you don't have to buy me new beer. I checked, their all alright. Do you want some of this pizza? I can't take this home now."

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now