Chapter forty four ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy © all rights reserved
Chapter forty four ©

Meanwhile back in the day

Drake and Jack jumped at Gray and pushed him through the side door.

"What the fuck dude? Are you crazy?" Drake said yelling. Jack get him the fuck out of here."

Jack and Gray headed off towards Drake's house after a little wrestling match in the driveway. Gray was trying to get himself back into the bar.

"Let me the fuck go." Gray said.

"No dude! You're just going to get yourself into trouble. What's your issue anyways?" Jack asked him standing up holding the back of Grays shirt to help him to his feet. Also to make sure he didn't bolt back into the bar.

"Don't you fucking worry about that." Gray yelled. As he walked away from him pointing his finger in Jack's face.

Drake walked inside and walked up to the bar. Asked his friends mom for some ice. She walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic baggy to put it into. She handed him a bag and he walked over to the man sitting on the stool talking to the girls.

"Go outside." Drake said. Sasha looked at him not saying anything. "I'm serious babe. Please go outside. Go find the guys. Make sure their not fighting.

They walked out the door and Drake walked up to the man.

He flinched when Drake raised his hand to hand him the ice.

"Here." He said. "Calm down dude it's only ice."

The man reached up and grabbed the bag from his hand.

"You alright?"

"Yeah! I'm fine. Hey! What the fuck was that shit about anyways?"

"You wouldn't shut your mouth dude." Drake said shrugging his shoulders.

"So he breaks a stick over my head? I could sue him for that." The man said, reaching the ice up to the bump on his head. "Ouch!" He said flinching when he touched it.

"I know that shit must hurt. I know you could sue him. But you won't right? I mean he was wrong. I know that, you know that. But he's just a kid. What if I could get him to apologize to you? Would that be cool?" Drake asked. He reached into his jacket and lit a cigarette offering the man one.

The guy took one out of his pack and put it behind his ear. For later." He said.

"Look dude! I'll even give you this and pay the bartender for a dinner for you." Drake said handing him a twenty dollar bill.

He looked at the bill then back at Drake.

"You'll buy me dinner too?" He asked.

"Sure dude anything you want."

"Okay! But I don't want an apology. I don't ever want to see that kid again." He said.

"Shake on it?" Drake asked extending his hand to the man.

He reached up and shook Drake's hand. Took the twenty dollars out of his other hand. Drake walked away and walked up to the bartender.

Drake tried to pay her for his meal. She told him not to worry about it. She would get it. He did enough just smoothing it over. She thanked him and he walked out the door.

Drake saw the group waiting in an open field for him to come out. Sasha and Trista were leaning up against a tree. Sitting Indian style on the ground with their jackets beneath them. While Jullion and the guys stood around them.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now