Chapter four ©

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Written by: Sheri Murphy
All rights reserved

At present time
Drake jumped to his feet and looked around to see what the noise was. From where he was standing he did not see anything. He walked a little ways down and seen a few deer. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to camp. Refueled the fire and sat back down.

He tried everything within his power to remember everything about the man in his home. All he could remember was that he had blonde hair and a goatee. A gold jacket and black pants. He was around six three, Drake was guessing. By the time Drake re entered the house the whole thing had already taken place. He could see the blood and the body laying halfway on the floor and the couch.

When Drake and his wife bought this house they got it for dirt cheap. The man who lived there was in the middle of building a new room on the back of the home. However, tragedy struck on one of his business trips and he had perished in an automobile accident.

His son did not want the hassle of dealing with the home and all of its repairs. He agreed to give it to Drake for cheap as they would have to put money into it. It was not near finished so Drake would have a lot of repairs to do.

His wife and him decided that it would be nice to have the bathroom enclosed with glass and have it attached to the main structure of the home. You could see everything around you as if you were standing outside. However, the glass on the outside was not see through. So no one could see in, but you could see out. Which is why he didn't hear anything until he got out. Once one reentered the home, they ended up in the changing room. The changing room was soundproof. Due to the gentleman that lived there before them. He was a musician, he had setup his equipment in that room and would play and record into the wee hours of the night. That's what he was doing. He was extending that room for more instruments when the tragedy occurred. Seems he had a few neighborhood complaints on the noise awhile back and decided to fix the issue.

The harder Drake tried to remember anything the more he couldn't. He decided to give it a rest tonight and he would try again in the morning. This night felt like it was lasting forever. He had checked his watch, he only had about three more hours until daylight. He decided to try to nap again. The rocks he had heated for warmth were still pretty warm and the fire was going pretty good now. He checked under the ponchos to make sure it had enough smoke. It was fine the way it was. He'd be fine until morning. Before he bedded down for the night he made a shallow grave for his rocks. Threw hot coles in And than the rocks. Lightly covered them with dirt so not to get burned. But hot enough to feel the heat. While using pine tree branches as a blanket. He would sleep on those tonight. He could feel himself drifting off to sleep. When her face came into view.
Meanwhile back in the day.
Gray was in the middle of telling one of his stories. Whenever they had a bomb fire he always tried to scare whoever was there with some kind of spooky story. This time it was a deranged man was lingering in the woods after he'd escaped the psych ward. He was there for killing his brother or some such nonsense. Drake himself usually laughed through the whole thing.

Trista moved closer to Gray's side. She shivered slightly. Drake was pretty sure that's why he told these stories. So she would get closer to him. He could tell Sasha was getting a little weary to. She was sitting on a chair next to Drake's old car seat.

Drake and Gray found an old car seat in the woods. It was one that went all the way across the front of the car. So it sat two people. They used it just for these purposes. They had a special place built in the woods where they held these fires at. Sasha jumped when she heard a noise deeper in the woods. Drake asked her if she'd like to sit next to him. She agreed and collected her stuff and came and sat with her back up against his chest.

Sasha's legacy 1. Written by: Sheri Murphy Where stories live. Discover now